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Sadie's front door opened as soon as Winter pulled in behind her yellow ford focus and cut the engine. She had just pulled the key out of the ignition when her door was swung open and a squealing Sadie was leaping across her to grab the bag of Ben and Jerry ice cream and Winter's bag.

"You have to tell me everything!" Sadie said as Winter closed her car door and made sure to lock her car.

"I will," she said with a smile, "trust me, you'll be squealing way worse when I show you the texts. He's super cute."

"I can't believe you waited this long to tell me!"

Both girls walked into Sadie's small two bedroom, one bath home. Sadie placed the bag of ice cream in the kitchen and then disappeared down the hall into her bedroom where she dropped off Winter's bag.

"Okay," she said when she returned to find Winter in the kitchen unpacking the ice cream and putting away the bag. "So how and when did this happen?"

Winter walked over to the drawer next to the sink where she pulled out two spoons and then returned to the kitchen table. "Well," she began as she pulled the lid of her pish food. "He kinda messaged me first and it happened a few nights ago."

"A few nights ago?" Sadie's eyes were wide, her spoon falling from her mouth. "And. You. Are. Just. Now. Telling me about this?!"

"I knooow," Winter glanced down at his ice cream, guilty written all over her face. "I just wanted to be sure, Sadie. This isn't just some guy, this is Richard Madden, one of my favorite actors. If things didn't go over well, then I would hate for you to get your hopes up, I know you're just as excited about this as I am."

"Excited? Is this even the right word? So, what did you two talk about? Show me these cute texts! Do you two plan on meeting up? Is he coming here? Are you going there? Where is there exactly?"

"Woah cowgirl, hold your horses," Winter giggled, "Here's my phone, you can see for yourself what we talked about. I won't even have to explain a thing."

Sadie sat in silence as she scrolled through the text messages while Winter ate half her ice cream in silence and then put it away.

She started to wash her spoon and the dishes in the sink when Sadie squeaked, "He texted you!"

"What does it say?" Winter glanced up, her expression passive while Sadie was basically on the verge of tears.

"He's asking if you made it here safely. Aweee, that's so sweet."

"He is sweet," Winter smiled and turned back to the dishes. "Tell him I'm here safely and yes Sadie, you can say hi."

"Eeee!" Sadie danced around in the chair as she tapped away at the screen, the sound of keys clicking echoed loudly as the water was turned off. Winter kept her phone volume on for that purpose.

"Okay, so I said: 'Hi Richard, this is Sadie, Winter's awesome gorgeous bestie, she's here safely and doing my dishes like a good wifey.' Good?"

"Perfect," Winter laughed, her arms crossed under her chest while she leaned against the counter. "That is such a you text and I love it."

"Why thank you!" She smirked and placed the phone down. "Can't believe you're leaving so soon. And you didn't tell me!"

Winter shrugged her shoulders, "I wanted to be sure. You're a big deal to me, S."

"Well I'm glad you finally confided in me and I will happily drive you Tuesday. Don't forget me while you are there."

"I won't. I will be sure to text you every detail."


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