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♡ winterrberks_, sophiet, and 32,943 others

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♡ winterrberks_, sophiet, and 32,943 others

maddenrichard Spread your wings 💕

Tagged: winterrberks_

username fucking yes!!! I am so happy rn!!!

caramaddbrown @maddenrichard Missing the both of you xx

username10 I have never been happier 😍

richardmaddendailyy my otp is back 💕

sophiet I love you both so much. Please take good care of our girl 💕 @maddenrichard

maddenrichard @sophiet I promise 😊

♡ maddenrichard, sophiet, and 827,328 others

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♡ maddenrichard, sophiet, and 827,328 others

winterrberks_ Normally I'm not all for posting my business, but recently you have all been made aware that Richard and I have been hanging out with one another again. To clarify, we are just friends and we hope that you can all understand and respect our decision to remain just friends.

sunkissedblonde brb while I plug holes in the ship so no one drowns.

username least @sunkissedblonde loves us enough to give us time to swim to land

username3 whats the point of living if the ship refuses to sail? I rather go down with the ship.

selenagomez 💕

username40 love from Beijing

username46 @maddenrichard got our hopes up just for @winterrberks_ to crush them

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now