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"Richard Madden,"

"Oh boy," Winter averted her gaze and tucked her hands in between her thighs.

"I had to ask," her short, strawberry blond hair swayed as she readjusted herself in the chair. In her hands she had a stack of blue cards with notes and questions written on them.

Winter lifted her gaze to the high ceiling and sighed, "Everyone does," she replied, her gaze falling back to the woman across from her. "I guess it's only natural. Human nature."

"Exactly!" She giggled, her hands folded neatly on her lap. "How did you two meet?"

"Instagram, weirdly enough," Winter did her best to smile and act as if the subject of Richard didn't make her feel uncomfortable. "I never did ask him what made him pick me, I was too baffled by the fact he was actually talking to me and how close we became in such a small amount of time."

"Do you think it was a mistake? You two got so close, you fell in love, and now he is dating someone else. Are you seeing anyone else?"

She chewed the dead skin of the bottom of her lip and picked at her nails, she really didn't want to answer any of these questions.

"I don't think it was a mistake," Winter said quietly, "Richard is a sweetheart and was nothing but good to me during out relationship. I did fall in love with him and I still am, which is why I am not seeing anyone else."

She ate it up, her beady green eyes focused in on Winter as she hung on to every word hoping for something to use and twist to her benefit. And Winter was certain she had given the lady something to use.


"How awful!" Emilia threw down the tablet she had been reading the interview on and looked up at Winter.  "This sounds nothing at all like Winter!"

"I just want to crawl into a hole and live there permanently," Winter curled up underneath her comforter.

"You can't just crawl into a hole, Winnie," Selena pulled the blanket back from over her and smiled down at Winter. "If we could all crawl into a hole, there would be no more entertainment for the world."

"What is the point of interviewing someone If you're just going to twist their words around and make it all about their past instead of the present. She hardly ever mentions the movie at all."

"I know!" Winter popped up, her hair a mess. "It's like we didn't spend an hour discussing the movie and only five minutes talking about Richy."

"I think what you need it some Emila time!"

"Probably best someone stays with you, I have to be somewhere right now," Selena sat forward to hug and kiss Winter on the forehead. "Call Haiz if you need a baby sitter."

"Psh, baby sitter," Emilia turned to Winter as soon as the front door closed. "We don't need no stinkin' baby sitter."

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