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"Can I ask you something?"

Richard looked up from his plate. His brow arched high above his blue eye, encouraging her to continue.

Winter chewed her bottom lip while her gaze fell this plate. She was unsure of how to ask the one question that had always ate at her.  "Why me?" She finally blurted out.

He quietly set his silverware down and wiped his mouth with the napkin that had been carefully placed on his lap. Richard looked up again as he folded his hands on the table. His lips parted to give her an answer, but the words never came. Suddenly his brows furrowed together, his blue eyes dropped to his hands and he looked as if he was struggling to find the answer himself.

"I'm not entirely sure," he finally said to her with a slight shrug. "I guess I was just curious. I also just sorta knew. Like there was something about you that seemed right."

She pressed her cheek against her fist and stared at him, "You're a real charmer, Madden, you know that?" She said unenthusiatically. "I'm glad you have no actual clue as why you chose me, but here is why I chose you,"

"It's a lot more complicated than you think!"

"I chose you, not because of your good looks or the fact that you're a celebrity, but because you have a good heart and are genuinely good listener. You get on well with your family and mine as well. You are super sweet to my friends, and incredible to me. Despite that fiasco from months ago."

"I hate that you won't let that go."

"And even though you say and do really stupid things, I love you and would never change anything about you, including your incapablilty to communicate with me sometimes."

He sighed deeply, leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his hair. "If you're going to fight with me, do it when we get home, please?"

Winter peeled her cheek away from her hand and looked around the restaurant. "I had no intention of arguing with you," she turned back to him. "I just wanted to know. I'm sorry."

"Please don't do that," he whined, his head rolling back. "Please don't make me feel bad for jumping on you like that. I'm sorry, I overreacted."

"As did I, I'm sorry too," she reached out for his hand, lacing their fingers together and smiled. "I didn't mean to make you feel like a bad boyfriend, you're not."

Richard leaned forward, his own lips curving upward, "Don't you dare say it."

"Except for that one time," she pressed her nose to his.

"This date is now over, we are going home."

"Good," she pulled away from him to collect her purse. "I've been anxious to get home."

"Why?" He asked her while he fished his wallet out of his pocket. She stood up, a mischievous smile lighting up her face.

"Oh," his eyes went wide. "Ooohhh!"

♡ sophiet and 63,534 others

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♡ sophiet and 63,534 others

winterrberks_ New pupper 💕

Tagged: maddenrichard

maisie_williams If this dog goes missing it was not me 😇
sunkissedblonde If I go missing around the same time as the pupper, it wasn't me 👀
maddenrichard 😬
username22 awwwee what's he or she's name?
winterrberks_ Cosimo 👀

maisie_williams If this dog goes missing it was not me 😇sunkissedblonde If I go missing around the same time as the pupper, it wasn't me 👀maddenrichard 😬username22 awwwee what's he or she's name?winterrberks_ Cosimo 👀

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"We are not naming the dog Cosimo," Richard looked up at her from his phone. In his lap laid the curly haired pup, with large brown eyes fixed on Richard's hand.

"Why not?" Winter asked him. She laid down across the foot of the bed, her attention on her own phone. "He looks like a Cosimo."

"Nice to know Cosimo looks like a poodle."

"Then what do you suggest, Richard?" She dropped her phone and turned to look at him.

He chewed the bottom of his lip, his eyes searched the room while he thought. This was normally something he did while he thought and mainly while he was nervous.

"I don't know," he said after some time. "Anything but Cosimo."


"We are not naming our dog Joe."

"Gee, Rich, then what would you have me name the dog?" She sighed and sat up, "Here, how about this. If he was an actual child, what would you want to name him?"

"Richard...?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I will have you know that we are no longer fighting over a name for our dog. Cosimo it is."

She crawled on hands and knees over toward where he sat and straddled him. Richard stopped playing with the dog to look at her with a cocked brow.

"Are you about to seduce me into agreeing?"

"No," she took a deep breath. "I don't want to fight over something so ridiculous."

He placed his hands on her thighs, ignoring the dog that yapped away while nipping the sleeve of his sweater. Richard smiled softly, his thumbs wrinkling her sweatpants.

"I'm crazy about you," his hands slid up her legs, wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer toward him.

"I didn't notice," she smiled, her arms snaking around his neck. "You're cheesy. It's gross, but I love you."

"I love you too."


● ● ●

Because I literally don't want to go on any longer.
And because I have a bazillion other stories to finish, including another Richard Madden one that I will publish once it's nearly finished.

Till then; thank you for reading and voting if you loved this hunk of junk enough to vote.
You're awesome!
Stay awesome 💕

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now