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maddenrichard, ddylan420, and 64 others

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maddenrichard, ddylan420, and 64 others

winterrberks_ Double date night with my main and our boos, Ben & Jerry 💕😚

Tagged: sunkissedblonde

ddylan420  Officially heartbroken. Why I no loved?

crass2fast damn dude share?

winterrberks_ @crass2fast Whatever is left, I'll stop by tomorrow and bring.

.craas2fast @winterrberks_ You the real mvp 💕

maddenrichard what about me? 😢

winterrberks_ @maddenrichard I got you too, don't worry 😊

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"Sooo, are you and Richard Madden a thing yet?" Sadie sprawled out on her queen sized matress with her phone in her hand and a huge grin on her face.

Winter leaned against the plush headboard, her legs crossed, one of the other, while she scrolled through her phone. She shrugged her shoulders, not really sure how she was going to answer her best friend's question.

Richard Madden, the Richard Madden was following her and making small comments to her. Why? That was the real question she wanted an answer to. And then, maybe then she would be able to give Sadie her answer.

"If Dylan could just disappear from Instagram, this would be such a good screenshot to hang up and frame." She rolled over to look at Winter. "Delete his comments and block him."

"Sadie, it's only one comment."

"It's ugly. Ruins everything."

Winter sighed and rolled her eyes, "Just because you and Dylan had a falling out, doesn't mean I'm going to delete and block him."

"You should," she sat up. "You're my best friend. Take my side."

"Over something so petty?" She shook her head. "This is not high school anymore. Here, take this ice cream and eat it. It will all be okay."

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now