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She rolled over onto her side. Light poured in from the large window, even with her eyes closed it was still blinding. She growled and rolled back the other way, her face buried between something soft, warm, and a mixture between squishy and hard.

"What are you doing?" A groggy voice called out. Winter groaned her response and scooted closer once she realized she was snuggled up against a human and not a pillow.

Richard's eyes opened slowly, he could feel the warmth radiating from her body leaving him uncomfortably warm himself. With a deep, tired sigh, he rolled onto his back, careful not to crush her.

"Come here," he held up his arms. Winter moved closer, her head now resting on his chest. "Happy?"

Winter nodded her head, her eyes still closed. He gently pulled the hair tie holding her messy bun together out of her hair and started to comb his fingers through her hair. She groaned, content with how her morning was going so far.

"As long as your happy," he whispered softly and moved to kiss the top of her head.

"Are you happy?" She asked him, her eyes opening slowly. "Both people need to be happy in a relationship, not just one."

"Oh?" He lifted his head to look at her, "So we are in a relationship now, are we?"

"You know what I mean."

He sighed softly, the hand that had been combing through her hair now rested on her back. "I am very happy, Claire," he said to her, "More than you will ever know."

"But we are still taking this slow?"

"This never happened."

She placed her face into his chest, "Awe but this feels so niceee!"

He chuckled, his hands gripping her arms to pull her closer to him, "After this kiss, we will both get up from this bed and go about our day just as friends, deal?"

"This is a horrible deal," she laughed, "but I get to kiss you so deal."

"Deal," he repeated, his arms wrapping around her as their lips met.

"After the next kiss."

"Deal," he kissed her again.

Winter's lips curved into a smile as she deepened the kiss she never wanted to end.

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now