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♡ maddenrichard, kellanlutz, and 54,657 others

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♡ maddenrichard, kellanlutz, and 54,657 others

winterrberks_ #squad

maddenrichard ❤

username so pumped for this when it comes out

winterrberks_ ❤ @maddenrichard

selenagomez 🤗

username2 I want to know how Selena Gomez and Winter Berks became friends.

winterberksfanpage @username2 they met on set of winters new movie she's filming

sophiet I am so excited 🙌



sunkissedblonde found these old photos of @winterrberks_ and I 💕

Miss you sis, I hope you're enjoying your first ever film. I'm super proud of how far you have come.

Tagged: winterrberks_

username does anyone else find this as funny as I do?

username2 Sadie is such a good friend

.username3 Sadie is such a shit friend. Wanted nothing to do with Winter while she was getting big and then all of a sudden Winter is more famous than her so she wants to be best friends again. Thats fucked up @username2

username4 Awe these are super cute

username2 @username3 oh i didnt no that

winterrberks_ Thank you


"I am proud of you," Richard said, his hand gliding through her hair while she laid on top of him. "You are being the bigger person."

"It's just not that simple to ignore someone that has been in my life since the beginning." She buried her face into his chest full of curls, "I hate it."

She lifted her head up off his chest to look up at him. A soft smile curved his lips, making the lines around his tired blue eyes visible. The hand that had been combing through her hair now came to rest gently against her face. He lifted his head, his lips softly brushing the tip of his nose.

"I hate seeing you like this," Richard wrapped his arms around her, "reach out to her and resolve this if you can't take it any longer. Continue being the bigger person."

Winter smiled and laughed softly as she laid her head back on his chest, "Thank you wise owl."

"Now you're just making fun of me."

She shook her head, "I would never, I love and appreciate you too much."

His eyes narrowed into tiny slits as he stared at her. A deep, playful growl rumbled from his chest, and then he held her close, buried his face into the nook where her shoulder and neck met and pretended to bite her.

Winter howled, her laughter echoing in the small room they stayed in. And then the laughter died. He kissed her neck tenderly and rolled over so that he was now positioned on top and she on the bottom.

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now