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Squishes 🐋

Lemon 👑
We have concluded that Richard is still in love with you.

And that the whole getting back with his ex was for publicity because they have a movie coming out together.

Khaleesi 🐲
And that Richard is a dick.

I know.
To all of it.
Even the dick part.

Haiz 💕
😏 they've been lowkey texting each other.

Selly 🎤
Not so lowkey if you know.

Not so lowkey if he's commenting on my Instagram 😏

Lemon 👑
Couldn't have told us?
Also what are you going to do about creepo?

I was talking to Sadie about it. She wants to start "seeing" him, but it would ruin her reputation, plus it just wouldn't seem right.
So doing it the old fashion way, breaking up in person.


Richard and I will not be jumping to get back together. What he did was pretty messed up and we both agreed to just see how things go. I am happy we are talking again though 😊

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