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♡ sophiet, gameofthrones, and 992,739 others

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♡ sophiet, gameofthrones, and 992,739 others

.winterrberks_ Super excited and blessed to have been given such a wonderful opportunity to attend the season 7 premiere of Game of Thrones.
Huge thank you to the wonderful people of @gameofthrones, @sophiet, @maisie_williams and so much much much more that I did not tag. I am blessed to call you all my friends and am so proud of you all. My heart can not contain the love I have for each and every one of you.
And now @sunkissedblonde you can not bribe me with Ben & Jerry's for clues as to what happens 😋 #WinterIsHere #GoTPremiereLA #GoTS7

username Let's all appreciate Winter's hashtag rn 😂
username2 Winter is here ❄
maisie_williams It's a shame @maddenrichard couldn't come. I miss you ❤
maddenrichard ❤
emilia_clarke My wife thang slaying 🙌
username3 Watch Winter is in season 7 and none of us knew about it.
winterrberks_ Ah dang nibblets, you found me out @username3
username44 Seriously praying that this happens @username3

Ol' Lady Winter@winterishere_

Oh bby 👅💦

Oh bby 👅💦

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Richard Madden @_RichardMadden



Ol' Lady Winter@winterishere_



U Ser Name @useRName

So what you're getting at is that y'all are together?

Ol' Lady Winter@winterishere_

I have hairy legs.


Richard hacked my twitter 🙃


Richard Madden @_RichardMadden

No proof!


Maisie Williams @Maisie_Williams

And they lived happily ever after folks 👍

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now