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♡ winterrberks_, and 20,826 others

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♡ winterrberks_, and 20,826 others

sunkissedblonde brunch with my loves 💕

Tagged: blessedjess, kaayliee

winterrberks_ gorgeous ladies 😍

username1 daaamnnnn

blessedjess we need to do this again soon @sunkissedblonde

sunkissedblonde yes please @blessedjess

username2 😍😍😍

username3 i love you sadie!!!

username4 it's my birthday can you wish me happy birthday

kaayliee @sunkissedblonde ily bestie

username5 look at this bitch @kaayliee trying to steal @winterrberks_ best friend. Like swerve hoe 💇

kaayliee @username5 Why don't you get off the internet little keyboard warrior. You don't even have a clue what you're talking about #byefelicia

sunkissedblonde @kaayliee 😂😂😂 #savagekaylie

kaayliee @sunkissedblonde like how stupid do you have to be?

sunkissedblonde @kaayliee ikr 👏👏👏


Squad 🐺🐲🐶🐙🌹

Someone is about to catch these hands 😤

Who are we fighting?



This girl betta square up 👊

I swear that is the best thing I have ever seen Maisie say.
Like I'm literally imagining it in her voice.

Babe 🐺👑


You know Dick is pissed when he just sends that emoji

Babe 🐺👑
I'm not pissed
I just think she's being very immature right now and it hurts me to see her acting that way towards a fan and about Winter who's done nothing but stick by her through everything.

I agree.
I know she didn't come right out and say it, but we all know what's going on so we know what she is implying.
Winter I'm sorry this is happening to you. I know you two were close.

Life happens.

When we come back to the states we will have a girls night, okay?

I'm down for this

Or we can have one before Glastonbury 🤔

Not everyone can make it.

Lord Snow ❄
And it's months away

The Other Snow 🔪
I won't be in town for it
Which is a bummer.

Reek 😷
Wait so what happened?
I thought Sadie and Winter were sisters?

The Other Snow 🔪
I don't know either.
I just randomly show up to let them all know I'm still here.

Tbh I don't even know.

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now