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Winter snuggled up to Richard's backside. It had been their last night together before she would return to the states to resume filming and he, back to his home. She loved being with him more than anything.

"Richy," she grumbled into his bare back.

"Hmm?" He replied, a yawn escaping his lips as he rolled onto his back. Richard held up his arm as Winter laid on his chest. Once she had settled and he felt comfortable, Richard wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her hair.

"I want to stay like this," she murmured against his chest, "I don't want to go back."

"I don't want you to go back either," he managed, his voice heavy with sleep. She smiled softly, knowing well enough he would not remember this conversation once he woke up.

"I love you," she whispered softly, her arms wrapping around him to squeeze him.

Richard shifted underneath her, "I love you too, Claire."

She tilted her head back to find his blue eyes staring back at her, "You are awake!"

"Mhm," he kissed her forehead and then moved to untangle himself from her. "And I have to pee."

Winter rolled onto her stomach as as he got up from the bed they shared and disappeared into the bathroom. She laid there, waiting patiently for her boyfriend to return.

While she waited, Winter decided to pick up her phone to scroll through Twitter for a bit. While checking Twitter, she also checked her notifications to see if anyone verified had tweeted to her.

There was a tweet from someone, someone she had been doing ber best to ignore. Winter sighed softly, her phone now resting flat on the bed while she stared at the tweet from her old best friend.

She had been lost in her thoughts, unaware that Richard had finished up in the bathroom and had returned until he was on top of her with his chin resting on her shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, his lips pressing softly against her shoulder.

"Sadie tweeted me," she replied instantly.

He rolled off of her onto his back and then wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. He was silent for a moment while he played with her hair and then he sighed.

"Until she can acknowledge you privately, continue to ignore her," he said.

Winter tilted her head to look up at him, "Easier said than done. I miss her."

"You miss the memories," he ran his hand along her face, "Sadie is not the same girl you used to know."

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now