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"Has Dick had anything to say about this all?"

Winter crossed her legs and pulled her blanket tighter around her to keep out the cool sea breeze. She shook her head no, hair whipping her face thanks to the wind.

"I think he's biting his tongue until he can bite it no longer," she finally said. "Kind of like how I am."

Sophie laid back against the blanket beneath them that they had laid out on the beach. She placed her head in Hailee's lap and stared up at the dark sky.

"It's only going to get worse now that you've finally entered our world," Hailee said, "I've read the comments on her Instagram post and most side with you."

"No one even knows what is going on, that's the sad part. All they see is that we haven't said a single thing to each other in months. They're going off speculation."

"And Sadie's tweets."

"Yes, those too," Winter rolled her eyes. "It just sucks."

"I know," Hailee reached out a hand and placed it to Winter's back. She wore a small, genuine smile as she looked at Winter. "We are here for you."

"I am thankful for that," Winter said, a smile forming on her own lips. "I couldn't ask for better friends."

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now