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♡ maddenrichard, sophiet, and 638 others

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♡ maddenrichard, sophiet, and 638 others


Tagged: maddenrichard


username1 I am in love 😍

username2 goals 😍💕

sophiet Gorgeous 💕

sunkissedblonde That's my wifey 😍💍

winterrberks_ @sophiet Thank you Queenie 💕

username3 uhhh she just totally called Sophie queen!

winterrberks_ Because Sophie is Queen af 🙌 @username3

sophiet Pretty sure you're the one dating my big brother 😉

winterrberks_ @sophiet But he died and you're the remaining Stark, which means you are Queen in the North. Reign on my queen 😂🙌

sophiet @winterrberks_ I officially love you 💕

username4 I ship this so much ^


Wifey 💍👭💕

How do you have so many followers than me?

Okay since when did you and Sansa fucking Stark start talking?

Why are you ignoring my texts?



Ok wtf is up?
It's been a week and you have yet to return a single one of my text messages. Why aren't you talking to me?
Did I do something wrong?

Super sorry I am just now getting back to you.

Richy surprised me with a trip to meet his family and my phone does not wor well in other countries.
I'm not ignoring you, trust me.
I've missed you like crazy and think it's time we get together for another girls night.
Also to answer your question, Sophie started talking to me recently because she and Rich are still friends.
And guess what!


I get to meet Jon Snow!

That's cool.
Hey gtg bit busy atm.
I've been auditioning like sups crazy to get some more roles. Fingers crossed something comes through.

Fingers crossed.
You'll be in my prayers for sure 💕
Ily wifey 😚

winterberks_ • Richard MaddenWhere stories live. Discover now