Chapter Fifteen ~ Unedited

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Nikki's POV

Everyone awoke to the boys yelling for us to get up. I groggily got up and walked to the restroom. I was only going to wash my face, no need to actually shower and do all that.

I walked towards the outside where everyone was smiling happily, some families were crying.

I noticed Scarlett and walked towards her. She was hugging Tyler hard.

"Okay okay let the boy breath" a woman muttered as she laughed.

She was fairly pretty, accompanying her was an older man who was attractive too.

Scarlett turned to me, "Nikki, good morning. I dot think youre met the former alpha and Luna. This is Valerie and this is Tom."

I quickly bowed to them, I am eternally grateful for letting me stay here."

The Luna chuckled and pulled me up, "Don't worry about it. We are glad to help."

"Okay well we have to get going" Alpha Jay muttered. He turned to Scarlett and wrapped his arms around her body.

"I'm will miss you my dear alpha." She muttered laughingly but we could all hear the hurt in her voice.

Jay pulled back and gave her a deep kiss, one that made all of us who were watching blush.

He pulled back, "I will miss you my beautiful Luna." And with that they hugged one last time before Carleton walking him to the car.

I looked back only to see Tyler giving Lui a hug.

"Lui take care of Scarlett okay, don't let her do anything dumb."

Lui nodded his head and smiled, be safe Tye."

Tyler nodded and walked to me, he put his hand of my head and ruffled my hair, "Be safe Nikki. Ill come back so dont miss me too much." He pulled away and i looked up at him.

He was smiling, a beautiful smile. My heart began beating fats and I almost couldn't say anything but I pulled myself together and smiled back, "Be safe Tyler, i'll try not to miss you."

And with that he left. I could feel my face burning red but i was happy.

"Well this is going to be some long days" Racheal muttered as she looked at me and Scarlett.

With that all the women and younger children walked inside the main house. They were all laughing and smiling.

I walked to where Scarlett was, she was talking to some older ladies about how quiet the house was finally going to be.

Before i even knew what was happening, Racheal grabbed both of mine and Scarlett's hands, she dragged us away from the woman and smiled mischievously.

"GUYS LETS GO TO THE MALL TOMORROW." Racheal yelled, giggling like a lunatic.

Scarlett shifted between her feet, "I don't know, Jay said to stay. He said if something happens then he wont be their to protect me."

Racheal groaned, "okay first of all he's out there having fu. And you just wanna stay in the house. Um no, thats not happening. So tomorrow morning we're going shopping."

I smiled at the thought, Ive actually never been shopping. Not with anyone. The clothes I'm wearing now its something that Scarlett let me have.

"Okay fine, lets go" Scarlett muttered smiling.

"THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN" Racheal yelled as she skipped away.

Scarlett and i looked at each other before laughing. "Well this is going to be interesting."

Two chapters in one day. Whattttt?!?!

Okay well i reread some chapters and there are so many mistakes. I'm so sorry lovelies. I will edited it.

One day.

But thank you all who have been supporting and reading my unedited chapters.

You all have a special place in my heart. You all push me to finish my book and for that I will be eternally grateful.

Until next time my lovelies.

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