Chapter Twentyfour ~ Unedited

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Tyler's POV

Her smell lingered on me. Without even thinking, i had hugged this girl. The girl i rejected.

But no, that wasn't the only problem. This 'Ace' guy scared all of us.

Scarlett was sitting outside, her body trembling. Everyone else was inside, talking about the outcome of the war that would soon be coming.

I walked up to Scarlett and sat next to her.

Her cheeks were stained with tears, her eyes locked forward into the woods were the rouges were at earlier in the day.

"Scarlett?" It pained me to see her like this. Everything in the past was repeating itself for the 3rd time.

"Remember when Ma and Pa took us to the beach for the first time. Lui was still a baby, so small. You and i were scared to enter the slaty water but Lizzy ran in fearlessly. We joined in soon after," she paused, "I'm sorry Tyler. I'm so sorry. Everywhere we go. Everything we do. Someone dies. I'm sorry Tyler. I'm sorry."

I wrapped her in a gift hug and pulled her closer to me, "Scarlett, its fine. I'm fine. We're fine."

"You're going with Lizzy okay so is Lui. I wont accept losing you guys. Ace doesn't know about you two."

I pulled her away and looked at her, "Scarlett, I'm not leaving you here alone."

She looked up at me, "Please, don't argue with me Tyler."

I nodded my head, her eyes were so distant and cold. She seemed so tired.

I pulled her back to my chest and continued to hug her.

After sitting there for a few hours, the night began to set in and Jay came out, informing us it was time to go inside.

Scarlett sluggishly stood up and walked into the house,

Jay looked at me and sighed tiredly "They've decided on the war."

I looked at him stunned, "But so many people will die."

"I know, but i don't want to lose you guys, Scarlett doesn't want to lose you guys. This war is the only way."

"Are you sure its the only way" I asked hopping for an alternative.

"Yeah, unfortunately. The alpha and the elders have already discussed it. Its been settled."

"I'm sorry. If we wouldn't have come then.." he stopped me.

"Tyler, your part of this pack. As much as the other wolves. We're family. I will protect you guys will all i have. I promise."

I nodded my head, hopping it wasn't an empty promise but I believed it.

"Thank you Jay."

"No, thank you Tyler."

And we stood there, the sounds of the night calming our nerves.

The war was coming.


I need a happy Scarlett, not a sad Scarlett.

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Till next time my lovelies.

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