The Summer Court

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As Aedion ran into the portal that had been violet and blue moments before, but was now aquamarine, he didn't expect to emerge on a pier with sparkling blue water surrounding him. The sun was shining down on him. These conditions were completely different than than the ones he was used to. The high heat completely contrasted the warm temperature at the palace, and was opposite from the cold winters he felt in the North. Aedion felt unbearably hot, but it might have been because he was wearing jeans and a fur jacket. Aedion looked around, shielding his eyes, which where the same color as the ocean around him, from the light. In the distance, he spotted a manor, surrounded by pools of water. He ran towards it, hoping that it would be cooler inside. The doors were closed, and he knocked on the door. Like magic, the doors opened, revealing a normal temperature building. Aedion wandered through the doors, into the hall, where chandeliers made from water droplets hung from the ceiling. A fae male stood in the middle of the room, obviously waiting for Aedion

"Who are you," asked Aedion, "Where am I?"

The male replied, " Who are you? I'm the one in power here, so I'll answer your quesetion after you answer mine"

Aedion replied, " I am Prince Aedion Ashryver, Former General of Ardlan's armies. I am the Wolf of the North. Now I ask again, Who are you?"

The male replied, " I am Tarquin, High Lord of the Summer Court. I control water, and I can winnow. For the 2nd question, you are in the Summer Court, one of the 7 courts in Prythian. Where are you from?"

Aedion said, " I am from Terrasen, in Erilea. Ruled by Queen Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Heir of Mala Fire-Bringer. I have never heard of Prythian"

To which Tarquin replied, " I have never heard of Terrasen."

The two male talked, trying to uncover what the other nation was. Aedion told Tarquin that he came through a portal, and they concluded that the lands must be super far apart. Tarquin went to get Aedion clothes in the Summer Court fashion, and Aedion was grateful to not be wearing jeans and a fur jacket. He told Tarquin that 2 of his friends came through blue and violet portals, and asked if he had any idea where they might be. Tarquin said that he might know, and sent a letter to Rhys and Kallias. The two males then looked around the Summer Court, while Aedion was wondering about his cousin, who seemed miles away.


HI guys,

Please comment and I hope you like my story

- Aelin Archeon

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