Pushed Past Exhaustion

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Haeda stood in front of 2 thousand soldiers from the Spring and Autumn Courts. The men were all standing in groups, murmuring about what had just happened to them. There was a distinct line though, between the Spring Court and Autumn Court soldiers. The Autumn Court soldiers stood to the left, and the Spring Court soldiers stood to the right. "Men," said Haeda, " Today your training and services has been gifted to me by your respective High Lords. You are going to train harder then you ever have before in your lives. Got that?"

" Yes sir," said the soldiers. One of the soldiers called out to Haeda, " Sir, pardon me asking, but what are we training for?" As he finished his question, murmurs overtook the room once more. 

" Silence," said Haeda. The murmuring stopped as quickly as it had begun. " You will only be told what this is for once you have shown that you are ready. Is that fine with you?"

" Yes sir," said the soldier, looking down at his boots.

" Good," said Haeda. " Now, go do 200 push ups." The soldiers looked at him with their mouths open, unsure if he was serious.  " I said do 200 push ups. Start." The soldiers were in shock but started to do 200 push ups. Haeda walked around all of them, criticizing all of their forms. " Lower," he yelled, " Straighten your back. Stay flat." Haeda continued this until the last of the soldiers had finished all of them.  Some of them tried to stop early, so he gave them 50 extra pushups, on top of the ones left to do. They went to get a drink, but after only a minute, Haeda called them back and told them they were going to have to run 70 laps of the gym. Haeda also added that they were being timed, and the people with times under 105 minutes would get a reward. The men set of running, until they all finished and were on the brink of exhaustion. Haeda then made them duel for 3 hours. All the soldiers collapsed once Haeda said they were done, having no energy left inside to do anything. Haeda walked away to meet his mate. " Hello Maeve," he said.

" Hello Haeda," she replied.

" What did you think of training," asked Haeda.

" I think you were to easy on them. You need to make them do more pushups, run more. When we go against the Night Court, nobody's going to show mercy because their opponents tired. Push them harder."

" Of course love," said Haeda, " On the subject of our attack, let's make our battle plans." Haeda called over Beron and Tamlin. " Boys, here are battle plan is." Haeda told the two High Lords the battle plans and they walked away. 

But unknown to them, the shadows were listening, and crept off to report to their master.


Hi Guys,

I know I haven't updated in a week, but I've been really busy. School starts this week so I've had to prepare. 

Anyway, what did you guys think of this chapter?

Comment where you want the next chapter to be and the most commented one will happen.

Hope you're enjoying A Kingdom of Light and Darkness

- Aelin Archeon

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