The Final Challenge

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The soldiers trained and trained, the same drill over and over again. Run, do pushups, fight repeat. Over and over again the soldiers trained. After over a week of training, Haeda and Maeve declared the soldiers ready to fight and attack the night court. Haeda walked to the front of the room, the soldiers before him staring at him, expecting him to announce an even tougher training plan. But to their surprise, Haeda said, "Men, you have trained well. You now fight as one unit, one army. But before we can march to the night court, there is one final challenge you must face. For the foot soldiers, you will be fighting against this shadow army." With a flick of Maeve's wrist, shadow soldiers sprung up from the ground, numbers perfectly matched against the others. " For the generals, your test is much greater. You must each fight one of us, and hold your own for long enough that you are able to fight against opposing generals. If your opponent has magic, you'll just have to fight dirty. Now go to your assigned formation. A wall appeared in the middle of the room, with the foot soldiers on one side, and the generals on the other. " Well men," Haeda said to the generals, " Lets get started."

" Thorn, you will be fighting Tamlin." A curt nod was all he got in return.

" Lerin, you will be fighting Beron." Lerin responded with a small nod, his jaw tightening and his orange eyes turning burnt orange, his sign of readiness for battle.

" Carsok, you will be fighting me," said Haeda. Carsok nodded, while frowning slightly, but it quickly turning into a smile.

" Afellia , you will be fighting Maeve," he said to the only female. She smiled, and let her maroon eyes find her opponent.

The generals all made their way into the rings, their opponents close behind. Screams could be heard from across the wall, but the only thing on the generals mind was beating their opponents. The bell rang, and the fights began.

Thorn launched himself at Tamlin, and he only realized that it had started when Thorn was already halfway to him. He shape shifted quickly into a monstrous beast, and attacked Thorn with his claws. Swipe,again and again, with Thorn dancing away from him, his lime green eyes glinting in the light. Tamlin got agitated, and placed a wall of air around himself, forming a protective bubble. He went to swipe again. But Thorn still evaded the blows, darting away from them or striking back. Tamlin shifted back to human, picked up his sword, and started to attack. They kept on going, back and forth, back and forth. But finally Thorn faltered, and Tamlin disarmed him. He pushed him back with his air, and threw him against the wall. He remained pinned there, just as Haeda said, " You have succeeded."

Lerin stepped to the side, causing Beron to fall on his face. Beron stood up, and stared with Lerin with an abnormal amount of hatred, even for him. He created a fire between him and Lerin, and walked through to start attacking him. He lit his sword on fire, and started to swipe at Lerin. Lerin kept on being cut by the sword, but was striking back at Beron. He made a deep gash in Beron's thigh, causing him to fall over. But Beron lit part of Lerin's clothes on fire, causing him to get major burns. Both fighters fell on the floor as Haeda said, " You have succeeded."

Carsok and Afellia somehow managed to team up to fight Maeve and Haeda together. The two mates ( Maeve and Haeda) created a shadow mist, blocking everything in its path. Afellia had spent her childhood in darkness though, so she was able to attack. They kept on fighting, shadow mist breaking down, allowing Carsok to fight with accuracy. They fought over and over and over, a seemingly never ending cycle. But Haeda looked around at the other groups, and called out to everyone, " You have succeeded"

The generals got up, and saw the soldiers from the other side finish at the same time, after fighting as a unit and killing the majority of shadow soldiers. . They had all succeeded, and prepared to march to the Night Court.


Hi guys,

I'm back. 

Sorry I haven't updated, but its because I've had a major project due this week. However, I think I'm good till exams, so I should be updating on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Where do you want the next chapter to be?

What is your favorite chapter in this book?

Hope you're enjoying a Kingdom of Light and Darkness

- Aelin_Archeon

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