I Got Tagged

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I got tagged by @Feyrhys_Archeron  a few days ago, so here it is.

1. Would you rather be a part of Rhysand's Inner Circle or a part of Aelin's Court?

Do I have to choose? I would really like to be in both but... Aelin's Court, just because.... Rowan, Lysandra, Aelin, Aedion. But I would love to be with Rhys, Feyre and the rest of the Inner Circle. But I just need to see Aelin, Rowan and Lysandra.

2. Would you rather live in Prythian as a human ( before ACOTAR) or in Adarlan as Fae ( Before ToG)?

It would probably be Fae in Adarlan, just because I would be Fae. 

3. Would you rather be imprisoned Under the Mountain ( forever) or Endovier ( Forever)?

Both would suck, but Endovier, because only human torture instruments, and not magic. 

4. Would you rather fight Ianthe or Kaltain?

I would rather fight Ianthe, because Kaltain is so awesome and would win by so much. And I want Ianthe to suffer. But, I would probably lose, given I suck at fighting.

5. Would you rather control the Cauldron or the Wryd Keys?

The Wryd Keys, but I wouldn't want that kind of power.

6. Would you rather be engulfed by Citrus and Jasmine or Pine and Snow?

Pine and Snow because......... Rowan.

7. Would you rather celebrate Starfall or Yulemas?

Starfall, because it's so awesome. It's also in the Night Court, so the Inner Circle and Rhys might be there.

8. Would you rather have a baby bat or a baby hawk?

I would rather have a baby hawk, just because I love Rowan. But I want a baby bat too. Why can't I have both??????

I'm tagging people that have read this book and who follow me.







I know you guys thought this was an update, but I'll try to put one out later today. 

- Aelin Archeon

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