An Alliance is Formed

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Rhys sat in his living room, waiting for the arrival of the other High Lords. Feyre sat by his side, her gray-blue eyes staring into the distance. She whispered down the mating bond, saying , ' Another war. How many of these do I have to go through? And against Hybern and Maeve and Tamlin and Beron. I just hope that the other courts will help.'

Rhys whispered back, ' I know, but hopefully this will be the last one. It will be fine.'

As he said that, two twin snowstorms appeared in the room, white snow flakes covering the wooden floor before disappearing once again. Kallias and Vivianne emerged, their ice blue eyes filled with concern. They walked over to Mor and Lysandra, and sat down together, having a quiet discussion of their own. Feyre walked over to Kallias and Vivianne, and said, " Thanks for coming. This war will be waged on all of us, and we need all the support possible."

" We'll help," said Vivianne, " But who is this war against." Feyre opened her mouth to reply, but as soon as she did so, sunlight filled the room, and the High Lord of Day emerged. Helion stood in the middle of the room, and walked over to Aelin and Rowan, launching into a conversation about their homeland and their magic. They seemed to be talking about their magic, as Helion had never seen anything like it before. He was amazed by Rowans control over ice and wind, and wished he could know where it came from. But Rowan simply said it was from his ancestors, as did Aelin, although hers seemed to have no end. They resumed a friendly conversation, when another bright light filled the room.

Pink clouds swirled in circles, and the High Lord of Dawn emerged. He walked towards Dorian, who started a long conversation about learn and all the knowledge. They seemed to be trading stories, and talked about the knowledge of both worlds.

Finally, water droplets filled the room, and Tarquin emerged, walking over to sit next to Rhys. With that, Rhys cleared his throat, and the meeting began. 

Rhys stood up, and said, "Thank you all for coming to this meeting. As you all know, we just ended a war against Hybern. But our age of peace and tranquility has come to a quick end. Hybern has decided to attack us again. But this time two of our own have betrayed us.  Tamlin and Beron have joined the other side. Will you help us fight back this evil and protect our country once again?"

"We will help," said Kallias and Vivanne. 

" As will I," said Helion. 

"Me too,"said Tarquin. 

They all stood up to leave, when a messenger came through the door and said,"  High Lords and Ladies, Hybern has entered the Middle Land."


Hi Guys,

Sorry for not updating during the weekend, I completely forgot I had a debate competition. My team came second though so at least something cam out of it.

What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Who is your favorite character in this book?

I'm going to be putting a book up for my best friend, so can you guys check it out once it goes up. Its a PJO/HP crossover.

Hope you're liking a Kingdom of Light and Darkness.

- Aelin Archeon

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