In the Rooms

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Rowan walked into his bedroom with Aelin leaning against him. The top of her head just reached her shoulder. rowan picked her up and gently put her onto the bed. "Row," Aelin moaned. She had a bit too much to drink at dinner. And she was crashing from her sugar high. She ate 2 pounds of chocolate again.

" Yes Fireheart," called Rowan.

" Can you get into bed with me?"

" Anything for you Fireheart. Anything," said Rowan, as he climbed into the bed and tucked Aelin under the covers. Aelin cuddled into Rowan and said to him, " You want to kill Maeve, don't you?"

"I've wanted to kill Maeve since the moment she took you from me. Can I see them? The scars?"

" Of course Rowan," said Aelin, and pulled up her nightgown. Her back was covered with scars, all of them deep. Some looked like they had gotten infected. Her tattoos were ruined. Her back was ruined.

" Oh Fireheart," Rowan whispered softly as he traced all the scars on her back. 

" Row," asked Aelin, " Could you redo my tattoos for me. Whenever you can?"

"Of course Fireheart. I would do anything for you." Rowan leaned over Aeliln and started to kiss her scars one by one. The ones from Endovier, the ones from Maeve. His lips traced the lines that were scarred into her back. Every single one of them. As he finished, Aelin rolled into him, and he embraced her.

"To whatever end?" asked Aelin.

" To whatever end," replied Rowan, whispering it into her ear. Aelin fell asleep wrapped in Rowan's embrace, and Rowan fell asleep dreaming of his wife, his mate.


After dinner at the town house, Aedion and Lysandra walked into the bedroom that Rhys had given them. It's walls were a dark purple, and there was a 4 poster King sized bed. It had design's of animals on it. Aedion kissed Lysandra on the cheeck, and quickly got changed into his nightclothes. A tank top and shorts. Lysandra went into the bathroom to change, and she emerged wearing a bright gold night gown. She climbed into bed and leaned up against Aedion. Aedion said to her, " You're mine. Mine Lysandra,"

" Okay," said Lysandra, and leaned into her Wolf. Aedion felt the warm body of his shapeshifter against him, and he realized how much he loved her. "Aedion," said Lysandra.

" Yes," replied Aedion.

" I love you."

" I love you too Lys," said Aedion. Lysandra drifted back to sleep, snuggled into Aedion, and Aedion felt the urge to protect Lysandra from all harm and to keep her safe at whatever cost. His Fae instincts kicked in and he discovered something. 

She was his mate.


Hi Guys,

So, what do you guys think about Aedion's mate being Lysandra?

Comment which location you want the next chapter to occur and who you want to be in it. The most commented one will happen.

Hope you guys are liking a Kingdom of Light and Darkness

- Aelin Archeon

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