The Middle Land

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Maeve stood in front of the army that she had created, Haeda holding her hand. A thousand soldiers from the Spring and Autumn Courts lay in front of them, with Hybern soldiers commanding their ranks. But to the side of this army, they was a smaller one. One made of shadows. This was Maeve's army. She had created them, but was using her power to keep them alive. She was so close to getting her niece back. Haeda's grip on her arm tightened, and he said, " We need to get to the middle land, as that is were the battle will be happening, and it will be a battle of the ages." 

Maeve walked up to the front of all the armies, and started to speak. " How many of you can winnow," she asked. Around 20 soldiers raised their hand, and Maeve frowned. " I need you to winnow as many people as you can to the middle land. That is where we will fight our battle." They nodded, and winnowed away, each taking 3 people with them. Maeve and Haeda joined hands, and winnowed the army away. They emerged in the middle land, and started to set up camp. Well, the soldiers did. Haeda and Maeve found Tamlin and Beron, and brought them to their tent, which had been assembled, for a strategy meeting. 

Inside the tent was a table, with 4 chairs seated around it. Haeda and Maeve sat on one side, while Beron and Tamlin sat on the other. Tamlin attempted to start off with his battle plan. He said, "Okay. I propose that we attack the Night Court, in particular, Veralis, and kidnap Feyre and Aelin, kill Rhys, and leave." Once he had finished speaking, Maeve, Haeda and Beron all started laughing.

" You idiot," said Haeda. " This is meant to be a war, not a kidnapping." Haeda then proposed his plan. He said, " After that fail of a battle strategy, I think that we have to fight here. Here, the other Court's don't have an advantage, and we have high ground." 

Maeve interrupted Haeda, and said, " I agree. But I think that we should gather our energy, and wait a few days before the next battle. We should attack in straight lines, with no gaps for the enemy to get through. Everyone agreed, and went to tell their parts of the army of this new plan. 

But they forgot one crucial detail. Two of their enemies could kill them without a second thought, and one could kill  90% of them in a minute.


Hi Guys,

Sorry for not updating in a month. I've been really busy with schoolwork, and I made it to the cross country team. Can someone please give me advice for writing a war scene.

Who do you think the 3 enemies are?

Please check out my friend's book, which is posted on my account ( It's a PJO and HP crossover)

Hope you're enjoying A Kingdom of Light and Darkness.

- Aelin Archeon

The battle of the ages has almost come

A Kingdom of Light and Darkness , Throne of Glass and ACOTAR crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now