The Final Battle

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As the High Lords (and Lady), Inner Circle, and Court of Terrasen walk in front of the army, silence sweeps across the plains. At first, those facing the army think it was because of them, as a show of respect, but as they turn around, they too are left speechless. Massive groups of soldiers are winnowed into the Middle Lands, and they stand in perfect formation. Hurriedly, all of the High Lords remind their soldiers of the job they have to complete.  As soon as that is done, Aelin, Rowan, Rhys and Feyre step up to the front, and begin the, hopefully, last battle speech for any of them. But they all know they will have to make plenty more.

"None of you truly know me, yet you are willing to fight for my cause. None of you have any reason to fight for us, other than it would eventually effect you. But you still do it. That is what makes us different from them. That is what will win us this battle. They are forced to fight. They have no hearts, no need to. They only reason they fight us because people tell them to. You have made the choice to fight. And when people make a choice, they put all of their heart behind it. That is how I know we will succeed. You have the biggest hearts and the most willpower I have seen in an army, and when you fight with that, the other side will crumble," says Aelin, with Feyre and Rhys broadcasting the message throughout the soldiers minds, so that even those far in the back could hear it clearly. 

Then, they went to their own sectors of the army, with the Court of Terrasen leading the charge, with Feyre, Rhys and the other High Lords at their side.

Both armies began to walk towards each other,  one step at a time. One army marches with every step at the same time, the other walking as individuals, united by their purpose. With every step, the final battle draws closer. But it feels like an eternity of walking, well, at least for those in the back of the army, who can't see beyond the row of heads in front of them. The two armies stop 100 meters apart, with those at the back crashing into those ahead of them. The world seems to be still, until, the leaders of both sides, cry "Attack!!"

The battle starts immediately,  soldier against soldier, old friends fighting each other. It seems to be a somewhat even battle, until powers come out. A wall of shadows hits the front of one army, pushing those at the front to the ground. The wall disappears, leaving shadow soldiers in its place. They move to stab the soldiers pinned to the ground, and some of them do, but the rest are vaporized by a wall of fire that comes to counter it. "Take that b****," yells Aelin. Another wall of shadows pushes back, but its met with a wall of flame. The soldiers at the front are mesmerized, watching light and dark slam into each other. The wave of darkness becomes stronger, joined by a wall of pure darkness. But the returning wall grows and changes. Instead of just fire, it becomes a wall of fire, and wind, and ice, and water, and light, and starlight, pushing back at the enemy. The wall of black crumbles, and with it, over half of the army, leaving only the limited soldiers of Hybern, and the soldiers of the Autumn and Spring Court, some of which are starting to question the entire reason that they are fighting at all. 

Four leaders walk forwards from the side fighting for freedom, two pairs hand in hand. Aelin and Rowan hold hands red from blood, preparing for the carranam(thanks to Katwithak27 for fixing my spelling!) bond. Next to them, Feyre and Rhys hold hands, leaders of the Night Court. They approach Maeve and Haeda, and one final blast of power is released, sending them flying back. Surround by Fae, the two are unsure of what to do, and with the one weapon she has left in her hand, Maeve reaches forwards and stabs at the person nearest to her...


Hey Guys,

I am soooo sorry for not updating for forever, so here the next chapter is. There are only a few chapters left :(.

Do you guys want me to do and epilouge?

Who do you think Maeve is stabbing?

The next chapter will be up by Friday at the latest.

- Aelin Archeon

The Final Battle is ending, so what comes next?

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