Asterin and Dorian

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Helion awoke in the morning, still in wonder of yesterday's events. He climbed out of bed and winnowed himself downstairs, where he found Asterin already there.Breakfast was brought out and Helion noticed that Asterin had iron teeth. Helion was filled with curiosity and asked, " What species are you? You're not High Fae, Lesser Fae or human."

" I'm an iron teeth witch," Asterin replied, " Have you sent the letter to Autumn and Dawn Courts?"

" Well.....," Helion replied," I didn't send them last night, but you might not want to go to the Autumn because the High Lord is an idiot. And how about instead of sending letters, we winnow to talk to Thesan.

"Fine," Asterin said, and grabbed Helion's hand and he winnowed them to the Dawn Court. They landed in the middle of the Dawn Court palace.

"Hello Thesan," Helion said, " I was wondering if anyone called Dorian come into your lands yesterday."

Thesan replied, " Yes, he's right above you."

Helion and Asterin looked up to see Dorain flying above them. " Hi Asterin," said Dorian

Asterin replied, " Hi Dorian. Why are you flying?"

" Because when you look out of the windows up here, there's a really beautiful view. Have you seen Manon?"

"No," said Asterin. A small frown spread across Dorians face. However it quickly disappeared. Helion was staring up.

"How is he doing this,"he asked.

" I have raw magic," Dorian said, and glided down to meet them.

Helion was still in wonder. Thesan asked Helion and Asterin if they wanted to stay for lunch. They said yes and sat down to eat and talk. At the end of lunch Helion asked Dorian and Thesan if they wanted to come to the Autumn Court. Asterin added that Manon might be there and Dorian immediately said yes. Thesan and Helion winnowed away, Thesan becoming surrounded in pink clouds and Helion being surrounded by golden light. they winnowed to the Autumn Court, just outside Forest House, and found all surrounding forest ash. there was a big hole in the door that looked like it had been made by iron nails. Asterin said to Dorian," There's only one person who could do this."

"Manon," said Dorian," But who could have burnt all these trees.?"

Beron has the most powerful fire powers in Prythain," said Helion, " But he could only make a twelve foot tall bonfire."

" Then there's only one person who could have done this much damage," said Dorian.

"Aelin," said Dorian and Asterin in unison.

" Who?," asked Thesan and Helion.

" Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. She's the Heir of Fire," said Dorian.

"Oh," said Helion. The foursome went into Forest House and found Beron crying at his desk.

"I'm pathetic," he said, " a nineteen year old girl can beat me with her fire."

"Did this girl happen to have turquoise eyes with a ring of gold?," asked Dorian

"Yes," said Beron through his tears.

" Do you know where she went?"

" she and a witch went that way, said Beron, and pointed in an eastward direction. The foursome went in that direction, hoping it would lead them to their friends.


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-Aelin Archeon

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