The Army Arrives

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Rhysand stood at the window, staring at Veralis, his home, which he would give everything to protect. He felt a hand touch on his shoulder, and coming face to face with Feyre. She moved next to him, and placed her head on his shoulder, sadly admiring her home. Like her mate, she would give anything to protect her home. "Are you ready," she asked, hoping that the answer would be yes. Hoping that they had already gathered the forces needed to survive. 

" Almost, all I need is for Cassian to fly to the war camps, and gather the Illyrian fighters. They knew that this was coming, and all I can hope for is that they are ready," said Rhys. He turned around, and so did Feyre, and saw the rest of the two courts together, all with their significant other/mate/friend. Rhys walked over to Cassian and said, "Can you go to the Illyrian camps?"

His friend and commander of the Night Court armies nodded, and with a few words to Nesta, walked outside and flew toward the Illyrian war camps. 

"Any word on Hybern's and Maeve's armies," asked the High Lord, talking to the shadow singer.

"They are ready to fight. All the soldiers from the Spring and Autumn Courts and Hybern are there, but the Valg Queen has created shadow soldiers, which can only be destroyed by fire and light." 

With that, Rhys walked over to Aelin and Rowan, the two rulers of Terasen.

" Are you ready," he asked for the last time.

" Yes," they both replied. " We've been spiraling through our magic, so that we don't burn out, or get close to," added Rowan. Rhys walked back to the window, and mind messaged Thesan, asking if they could use the Dawn Court to amass the other High Lords armies. He received a quick reply, which was yes, and immediately mind messaged the other High Lords telling them to winnow their armies to the Dawn Court border. 

Rhys then mind messaged Keir, and told him that he needed the soldiers from the Hewn City at the Dawn Court border, and proceeded to winnow the, to the border. He then quickly winnowed back, and waited for Cassian to arrive back with the Illyrians.

He paced the room as he waited for Cassian, completely lost in his own world of worry and stress. The commander of his armies walked into the living room, and simply said, they're flying to the Dawn Court border now. 

Rhys told his inner circle and the Court of Terrasen that they were going to winnow to Dawn Court border, and instructed each member of the inner circle who could winnow to grab someone who couldn't and winnow to the border.

The tow courts arrived at the Dawn COurt border, and were greeted by the sight of all their armies mingiling together, quickly becoming one force, one unit. They walked down to the armies, and met the other High Lords, and discussed their battle strategies. After two hours of determining the plan, the plan was set, with each person utilizing their own powers and strengths. The leaders separated, and went to their tents to rest, knowing that their strategy will win them the battle of the ages. 


Hi Guys,

I am so sorry for not updating for two months, but I know the rest of the story line now.

Next chapter will be the battle of the ages, and some of my favorites may or may not die. 

I hope you're enjoying a Kingdom of Light and Darkness.

-Aelin Archeon

The battle of the ages is almost here

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