Lysandra and Aedion

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Kallias and Viviane awoke in the morning to find a letter from Tarquin in the postbox. Kallias opened the letter. It said,

Dear Kallias and Viviane,

Yesterday a stranger appeared in my court called Aedion. He said he was a Prince from Terrasen. He said someone called Lysandra went through a blue portal. I was wondering if she ended up in your court. If so could we please set up a meeting.

Your friend and fellow High Lord,


Kallias said to Viviane, " Vivi, didn't Lys talk about someone called Aedion?"

Vivianne replied, " Yes, she said that they had just started dating. Let's reply to the letter, but not tell Lys, and keep it a surprise."

Kallias said, " Fine Vivi," and kissed her lightly and took her hand and walked her to their study. Kallias and Vivi had one ice desk complete with fur chairs that they shared. They wrote a letter to Tarquin immediately so that it could be done before Lys woke up. The letter said,

Dear Tarquin,

Someone called Lysandra did indeed arrive in our court yesterday. Would you mind bringing yourself and Aedion over to the Winter Court for lunch today at 1. Hopefully see you.

Your friend and High Lord and Lady of the Winter Court,

Kallias and Vivianne.

Kallias and Vivianne then surrounded them selves and winnowed to the Summer Court. They appeared in the middle of the breakfast, where Tarquin and Aedion where eating, in a whirlwind of ice and snow. "Hi Tarquin," Kallias and Viviane said in unison.

" Hi," Tarquin replied, " I'm guessing you got my letter."

"Yep," said Viviane , " Here our response is."

Tarquin said, " Wait, so your guys basically wrote a letter and then winnowed here to give it to me and get my answer instead of just asking me." Tarquin read the letter and replied, " Sure. By the way, this is Aedion Ashryver."

"Hi," said Aedion.

" Hi," said Viviane, " I'm sure we'll get to know each other better later," and took Kallias's hand and winnowed away with him back to the Winter Court leaving snow on the table

Aedion asked Tarquin, " What was she talking about?"

Tarquin replied, " They're the High Lord and Lady of the Winter Court, which is where Lysandra is. We're going to meet them their later to see Lysandra and talk."

"I'm going to see Lysandra," said Aedion.

"Yes," replied Tarquin. Aedion left to go get ready to see his girlfriend/crush.

In the Winter Court, Kallias Vivi and Lysandra were having breakfast. Vivi was smiling so much and was holding Kallias's hand. Lysandra asked, " Vivi, why are you so happy,"

Viviane replied," I'm not, " and smiled even more. Vivi was waiting for Lysandra to finish breakfast, and as soon as she did, dragged Lysandra up to her room.

" Lys, lets find something really nice for you to wear," said Vivi.

" Why?,' asked Lys.

Vivi smiled and said, ' You'll see." Viviane and Lysandra spent half an hour looking for dresses before finally going settling on an ice blue short dress.with a pattern of white snow leopards at the bottom. Vivi then pulled Lysandra into her room to do her makeup. She gave Lysandra dark red lips, ice blue eye shadow and a small bit of blush. She then styled Lysandra's hair into an elaborate plait. She then gave Lysandra looked amazing. Vivi simply wore a white dress with ice blue colored snow flakes all around it, with her hair down. Kallias called from downstairs,

"It's time."

Vivi walked Lysandra into the dining room, where she saw Aedion dressed in blue pants with his white fur jacket. Lysandra ran up to Aedion and tightly embraced him. He embraced her back. Lysandra asked Aedion where he had been, and he replied he had been in the Summer Court. They then ate lunch. As soon as lunch ended, Lysandra and Aedion went upstairs and kissed passionately before entering Lysandra's room and not coming out till morning. Kallias and Vivi retired as well, with Kallias kissing Vivi lightly on the lips and then walking up the stairs to their room holding hands. They went into their room and didn't come out till dinner. Tarquin winnowed back to the Summer Court to be with his cousin's, Cressida and Varian, and Varian's mate, Amren. Lysandra and Aedion were reunited, and hoped to find some members of Aelin's court in this new land.


Hi Guys,

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- Aelin Archeon

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