The Autumn Court

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Manon strolled into a portal the color of leaves in autumn. As she walked through the portal, Manon felt herself moving from one place to another. Manon emerged from the portal into a forest which appeared to be in the middle of autumn. Through the trees, Manon could see a manor that sprawled as far as her eyes could see. The house was made of stone and multiple stories high. As Manon walked towards the house, she realized that she had been sanding in some sort of grove of fruit trees, presumably someone's farm. She approached the doors to the house, and saw that they were made of wood. Manon used her iron nails to scrape and shred the once majestic door into tiny pieces. With the door open for her, Manon casually strolled into what could have been one of numerous entry halls. She left the entry hall, and walked into what appeared like a study. There was an older man sitting at the desk, with his face plastered in a cruel snarl. His desk was covered with paperwork and there was another seat at the desk. Manon walked to the chair, sat down, and put her teeth on the desk. The light reflected off of her solid gold eyes, which caused the old man to look discomforted. "What are you doing here?" The old man asked, his scowl becoming deeper and deeper.

" I think the more appropriate question would be who are you. After all, I'm the one who doesn't know what's happening,"said Manon, her golden eyes glinting even more.  The man stared at her angrily, and scowled. Manon drew out her iron nails, and lazily started scraping them along the oak desk. 

The man said, " I am Beron, High Lord of the Autumn Court, Master of Fire. Who are you?" With disdain in his voice.

" I'm Manon. Manon Blackbeak Crohan. Heir to the Blackbeaks, Wing Leader and Queen of the Crochans. Also, hope you're not afraid of witches, cause one is  right in front of you. And Master of Fire? Yeah right. I know someone's who's skill with fire could beat you when they're asleep," said Manon. 

Byron stared back at her, with a scowl so big, it was impossible for it to get bigger. "I am Beron, High Lord of the Autumn Court. You will not insult me in my own home. Guards," he called, " Come lock this one up."

Manon stood up with a smirk on her face. "They can certainly try," she said, and watched 15 guards burst in. WIthin a minute, Manon had all of them dead. " Is that really the best you can do, ' she sneered at Beron, and left the room to get as far away from this place as possible. She walked away from the place, and after a day of walking, she saw pine trees, and greenery, the embodiement of spring. However, she also smelled and sensed something familiar. Aelin.  Manon could tell she was just over the border. Manon walked toward Spring, getting closer to the sense of her friend every second.


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The ToG charecters will be reunited soon.

Thanks for reading

- Aelin Archeon

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