Secrets and Truths

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Rowan and Aelin were training with the other Fae, when one of the warriors, Azriel, Rowan thought it was, walked over and took Feyre and Rhysand to talk to them. They must have not realized that they had enhanced hearing, Rowan thought. They were whispering, but Rowan and Aelin could still hear them. As Feyre, Rhysand and Azriel finished up there conversation, Rowan sent Aelin a look that said, Want to ask them about their plans?

Aelin looked back at him, saying, Of Course, let's go crash their conversation. Aelin's eyes glinted, and the gold in them seemed to glow. Aelin and Rowan snuck up on the Fae, and Rowan asked with brutal softness, " What is this I hear about armies gathering in Hybern." Rhys, Feyre and Azriel gaped at him, amazed at how he could hear them.

" Relax," said Aelin, " Next time you want to keep something a secret, do it away from people with enhanced hearing," pointing to her ears. 

Feyre just said, " But we were across the room."

" I know Fey, but we can hear things a mile away," replied Aelin.

" Oh," said Rhysand. 

" You do realize that we can help you, right," said Aelin, " Aedion has gone to war since he was 14 years old. He's general of our armies. Lysandra can turn into monsters. Rowan, well, Rowan has turned cities to rubble with the help of another person. I doubt that any of you can make someone drown on air. And I doubt you can fry 500 humanoid monsters."

" Well," said Feyre, " Rhysand can shatter someone's mind. Cassian and Az are brutal killers. I control fire too princess, so I think I can do just the same with fire as you."

" Oh yeah," said Aelin. She was annoyed that someone was questioning her fire. " Do you guys have burn outs, when your magic is depleted?"

" Obviously," said Feyre. " I've reached mine before, multiple times."

" Same goes for me," said Rhys, not seeing Aelin's point.

" Well I've reached my burnout, but guess what, it was self-inflicted. I have no burnout. I am the heir of Brannon and Mala Fire Bringer," said Aelin. Rhys obviously didn't believe her, and Feyre didn't believe her either. " You don't believe me," she asked. Feyre and Rhys nodded. " Well then look at my memories." Aelin lowered the wall of blue fire around her mind to let Rhys and Feyre in. 

Rhys prowled through Aelin's brain, seeing her life. He came to her first burnout, and saw that it did have a bottom. But, he then saw her second one, where she was taken by the Valg. He watched her stomp through the bottom of her power, revealing what he thought to be the core of her magic. Rhysand thought that she just hadn't reached the bottom, until he got to Skulls Bay and Saw her stomp through another floor, and revel a never ending core of lava. Rhysand watched her pillar of flame, and saw her fry all of the ilken. Rhys and Feyre withdrew from Aelin's mind at the same time, and looked at her in wonder. Aelin then smiled and said, "Now do you realize I was telling the truth?" 

The mates turned and walked away, with a shadow singer following them into the dining room where the secrets would be revealed. 


Hi Guys,

I know I haven't updated in a week, but I've been settling into school, so I haven't figured out my updating schedule yet.

Anyway, what did you think of the chapter?

Comment where you want the next chapter to be and the most commented one will be written.

What do you think the Inner Circles reaction will be to the secrets.

 Hope you're enjoying A Kingdom of Light and Darkness

- Aelin Archeon

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