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Beron and Tamlin winnowed back to Hybern's palace early the next day. They arrived just as Maeve and Haeda were finishing breakfast. As soon as Beron and Tamlin appeared in the room, Haeda and Maeve stood up and called to them to follow them. Haeda and Maeve led them into what looked like a training room.

" What is this place?" asked Beron.

" I'm glad you asked," said Haeda, " This is the training facility where we plan to train the forces that you're donating us for our attack on the Night Court." The training room had all the weapons and equipment needed for training armies. Swords, sabers, knives, staffs, every weapon you could imagine. Fighting dummies and practice arenas were placed all over the massive room. 

" I hope this meets your expectations," said Maeve.

" It does, but there's one thing missing," said Tamlin, " Soldiers."

" Yes," seconded Beron, " You promised our soldiers would be winnowed here. Where are they?"

" Patience boys," said Maeve, " We just need the location of your army bases."

" Mine is on the border between the Autumn Court, the Spring Court and the Summer Court," said Tamlin quickly.

" Okay," said Haeda. " I'll go and winnow them here now."

Just as the darkness started to wrap around Haeda, Tamlin called, " Wait, maybe I should winnow myself there with you. Just so that they don't freak out when you just appear and winnow them away."

" Fine," said Haeda, and darkness wrapped around him. Bright green leaves and animals wrapped around Tamlin as he dissapeared. 

Haeda arrived moments before Tamlin. As he appeared, the soldiers started to murmur. Tamlin appeared a few seconds and said to his soldiers, " Men, this is Haeda. He's going to winnow all of you to his training facility. Got that?"

" Yes Sir," the soldiers replied. One soldier added, " But why, aren't we needed here?"

" Well, that's for me to know isn't it," said Tamlin. Haeda winnowed back to the training room, where he found Beron standing with an evil smile on his face.

 While Tamlin and Haeda are gone.

" So Beron," Maeve said.

" Yeah, what," he replied.

" I was wondering if you had any ideas to help us torture Aelin."

A sadistic smile overtook Beron's face as her replied, " Well, I was hoping to use numerous torture devices on her, including a whip made out of ashwood."

" Why ashwood," asked Maeve.

" Because it's the one weapon that can injure Fae," said Beron.

" Not in my world," said Maeve, " Iron injures Fae and stops them from healing."

" Iron then," said Beron. As Beron was about to launch into another one of his schemes, Hybern appeared with the Spring's Court Army.

" Where's your army base Beron," asked Haeda.

" At the border of the Autumn Court, Summer Court and Winter Court."

" Okay," said Haeda and winnowed away. A moment later, he appeared again with a confuse looking group of Autumn Court soldiers. 

Beron and Tamlin walked to the front of the room and said together," Men you are going to train. Haeda will over see your training."

With that, the solders started to train, not knowing what they were training for.


Hi guys,

I'm sorry for not updating since Tuesday but I didn't have my computer. Where do you guys want the next chapter to be? The most commented one will happen again.

What is your favorite couple in this story?

Hope you're liking A Kingdom of Light and Darkness

-Aelin Archeon

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