The True Battle

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Her dagger sinks into the chest of Aelin, piercing through her stomach and chest. "Aelin", Rowan screams, the cry of a fae watching their mate be stabbed. The rest of the surrounded fae could only watch in horror as blood started to pour out of the Queen of Terrasen, seemingly never ending. But then, she grabbed her own knife, and with one swift movement, sliced open her forearm, reached into her pocket, and shoved the wrydkeys into her arm. With a weak smile, she said " I took the last one during my fight against her." The rest of them could only watch as Aelin's body began to fade away. The battle plain was silent, silent except for the wail of a mate.

But little did they know, that Aelin was still alive, and was moving to another realm to finish the true battle. Aelin opened her eyes, expecting to see the skies of the afterworld, and was instead greeted with the council of the gods. They stood around her, anxiously waiting for her to wake up. As soon as she did, they command ed her to pour the last of her life force into the gate. She objected over and over, but it was clear that she had no choice. As she began to pour her power into the gate, she, with the help of Mala, subconsciously summoned the one person who would keep her alive. Mala had also restored her power, feeling that it was the least she could do to help her heir. Aelin was astonished as her mate appeared next to her, and with a motion as swift as her final, he cut open both of their hands, and placed them together. And at once, with the combined power of the carraman, the gate closed, sending Rowan and Aelin back to the battlefield, locked in a embrace, deciding that they would never lose eachother.


Hey Guys...

I know this is short, but I think this scene was better vague. I am so sorry for not updating in forever. The final chapter , and epilogue will be up on Thursday


-Aelin Archeon

A Kingdom of Light and Darkness , Throne of Glass and ACOTAR crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now