3. My Life, My Lover

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    The fiery orb began to dip from the horizon where the repetition of houses and a mini hillside meet, guiding its golden ray as it sunk deeper. The sky complimented the sun's allure, for it was washed in pale amber-pink to deep flaming red. Dru's face aglow directly at its beams from the living room's narrow windows. His arms rested on the frame while his head crooked near the side, just thinking. His thoughts consisted of home, Freedonia. It'd be typical thing to miss home, but for Dru he rather forget about it. Home seemed enough to shatter the man's fragile heart, being in the same house his father disobeyed him as a failure was alarming. Instead, he felt rather changed being in his brother's place. It had such a friendly environment he has been wishing to receive for all these years. Dru didn't want to speak about this topic to anyone, not even his own brother, but it was just a thought that bloomed. 

"Dru." Called the strictness, yet familiar voice. Dru turned around with his fair ravishing hair swifting with his movement. His eyes turned up at his bald twin who's eyes twitched. Gru's hands were both hidden behind his back. "Yes brother?" He replied softly. "Do you take me as a fool?" His firm tone began. Dru blinked in surprise. "N-No! Never brother!" He vigorously shook his head. "Why?" The blonde twin turned his whole body to his brother. He overlapped his legs and laid his arms on his lap. 

"I know you've been hanging out with that Brat! Or better yet said, Balthazar Bratt!" Gru roared louder saying his enemy's name. Dru jerked his body. He bit his lips averting his little eyes. He knew one of these days would come. The day when his secret would be exposed to his grumpy twin. Nevertheless, he didn't want someone ruin his ego nor his love life. So he darted his eyes at his bald brother claiming, "No I haven't!" 

"Oh really then what's this?" Gru revealed a Balthazar Bratt action figure. He shook it lightly. "I had one of them as a child!" Barked Dru. "Ok," the toy slipped from Gru's hand. "And this?" Finally, he unwrapped a poster which had the iconic catchphrase of Bratt as well as his young self doing a pose. "And it says here," Gru's dainty hands turned the poster to himself, laying his eyes over a scribbled corner. "'To my boyfriend Dru,'" The ex-villain glanced at his twin then back at the poster. "'I'm glad to know that there is someone else who enjoys my show as much as I do. I love you forever, Balthazar Bratt.'" 

Dru burried his mouth underneath his scarf. He hid his smile as he remembered that day. Like every other day he would visit Bratt, his boyfriend decided to surprise him with a poster of his. Dru being a fan of Evil Bratt, his lover was more than pleased to sign it to his number one follower and lover. After he signed it, Dru treasured it as he hugged the paper within his arms. But it never made its way home for it went missing and the blonde one became worried. Soon enough he brushed it off thinking it was lost somewhere in his boyfriend's lair. 

Dru stood up, taking his mouth away from his scarf. "Ok I confess, I've been hanging out with Balthazar and I love him!" His hands went to his waist. "But that doesn't mean you," Dru pointed at his brother. "Have to search through any of my personal stuff!" He snatched the poster from his twin and picked up the action figure. "How much does my love life care for you, huh? It's my life, I get to love anyone who I please."

Gru rubbed his wrinkled forehead. "Don't you understand he can use you, Dru? He's a villain for crying out loud!" He threw his hands. The blonde brother dropped his poster and figure down at the couch. His face looked at Gru. "So am I!" "No you're not. All you wanna do is keep the family tradition!" Gru snapped.

"So first you're telling me I can't date someone and now you are telling me something I'm not! What's next? You're gonna tell me were not really twins?" His finger stabbed his twin's chest whenever he referred to him. Dru's arms folded. "I'm not like any of your daughters, Gru. I'm old enough to make my own choices!" The blonde one stormed away with grabbing back his belongings. 

"I hope so." Gru whispered to himslef followed by a sigh~

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