8. It's All Fine

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   The crescent moon subsituted the fiery sun, the residents which Gru lived in, was nothing but pitch black except the few post lamps who created a spark of dim light. Without the faint luster, it would be have been a blinding sight in order to spot other's faces. However, the lamplight went to good use, for Bratt could spot a tender smile his boyfriend had. The two lovebirds were in front of the blonde's twin's narrow house. They stood beside the door but Dru faced his back to the entrance, he seemed to be more concentrated on Balthazar's incomparable face. They seemed like a pair of dorks smiling at each other, adoring there presence without speaking for two minutes. 

"What a beautiful night right?" Bratt began to whisper. Instead of averting his eyes, catching the beauty of the displayed glowing stars, Dru instead continued to treasure his lover with his eyes. "Yeah." The blonde replied with a whisper. There was silence once more with the same smiling expression on their faces, until Balthazar continued. "You're also beautiful." His eyes unceasingly glanced at Dru's golden hair and his elegant blue eyes. "Yeah." The twin replied in the same tone as previous. Bratt's smiled enlarged, becoming a chuckle. "Quit looking at me like that with your heart eyes!" His elbow nudged Dru. "Ah," He blinked in surprise, shooken himself back to reality. "I'm sorry, I'm just so in love with you!" Balth walked to his lover and caused friction against their odd looking noses saying, "Tell me something I don't know!" Dru giggled. 

"Well, I guess it's time for me to head home."  The blonde dug his danty hands inside his pocket, searching for the keys. His heart must've skipped a beat, for his hand couldn't find it. His hands began to pat wildly around his pockets. "What's wrong blondy?" Asked Bratt. Dru turned to his boyfriend as fear struck him. "I can't find the keys!" He blurted out. Dru ran his fingers across his hair nervously. "It's ok, it's ok!" He alarmed Bratt. The blonde's hand walked facing the door. "Maybe I forgot to lock the door!" His fingers were wrapped on the doorknob, he twisted the knob but it locked it self. His knuckles softly knocked. "Oh dear." He breathed, turning his body to his lover. Balthazar placed his hand on his waist. "Let me guess, the door is locked?" Dru bit his lip as he nodded.

"I'm doomed!" He draped his body against the 80s man. Dru's arms were clung around his lover's shoulder as he crooked his head. "Don't look so down." Balthazar slipped one hand on Dru's hip and the other on his cheek. Bratt pulled a strand of his golden hair behind one ear. "Look at the bright side," His eyes glanced at the twin's eyes. "You can now sleep next to me and we can stay up all night long doing whatever you-" The 80s man's finger touched Dru's nose. "-Want, ok?" He continued. He relased a giggle. "Anything?" The blonde asked. Balth bit his lower lip, "Anything." He spoke softly. They're faces slowly touched with their lips extending, desperate for a kiss as Bratt began to slip his hands lower on Dru's body.

"How can I help you?" Interupted a familiar voice. The couple hastily jumped out of the others arms, facing the entrance. For Balthazar, it seemed to be the other half of his enemy's agent which he loves and cares for. It was also the same person he recalled to be disguised as. On the other hand, Dru was quite familiar to the figure who stood beside the door. "Ah, L-Lucy," He gulped the lump on his throat. "Oh, hi Dru and Balthazar. Wait-" The redheaded glared at the villain from the 80s. Lucy showed her fist claiming, "Don't you dare to attack my family again!" Dru blinked in surprise. His hands waved as he shook his head. "No, no, no. Lucy he's no longer villain, remember?" The redheaded deformed her fist as she placed them on her hip. "I know, I'm just testing this man." Lucy squinted her eyes at the 80s man. Balthazar was behind his boyfriend, he wasn't quite aware how tough she could be. 

"Lucy who is at the door?" Screamed an echo of what seems to be Gru. Lucy turned her head. "It's umm..." The redheaded's heard turned back at Dru then back. "It seemed to be a lost dog!" "Ok." Gru replied. 

Dru blinked in surprise. The redheaded scartched the back of her head as she faces the couple. "Why did you lie?" Asked the blonde twin. Lucy averted her eyes as she fidgeted her thumbs. "Well you see, I've been noticing how much you and your brother argue over your love life. I don't want something as simple as that to ruin this family. Besides," She jerked her head to her brother-in-law. "You guys haven't seen each other in almost half of your life and it would be terribly sad if you guys separate your own ways over an argument about your life love." Lucy explained. She left Dru shocked. "Wow, thank you for understanding me Lucy!" He smiled.  

"It's alright. Hurry up there, Gru's getting worried about you Dru." Lucy closed the door behind her.

"Well that was unexpected!" Said the 80s man. "Very, but in the best way possible," Whispered the smiling twin~

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