13. Physical Sensation|NSFW

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   For numerous weeks, Balthazar has been conjecturing about his boyfriend's baffling attitude. It seemed bizzare whenever Dru whispered dirty words that tickled Bratt's ears and caused him to fluster. As well has the blonde smacked the 80s man's bottom in random occasions even in public. He's never witnessed his lover so possesive and eager for his lanky body. However, they haven't done absolutely anything to cure Dru's recent crave for Balthazar.

 On the other hand, the blonde twin fancied his boyfriend harder than ever since he noticed how tight Bratt's workout outfit wrapped his chest all the way to his little perky ass. It seemed like a nice combination for a man who he cherishes. Luckily, Dru caught him working out in that sensual outfit he howled for. His broad body leaned against the doorway, he observed the way Balthazar exercised with mini weights on each hand. The 80s man's hand went on a rhythm of going up and down, he added a few squats in between. His body jammed to the music that displayed on his T.V with Clive bopping to the sound. He dropped the weights in a corner and began stretching. With the edge of his fingers touching his toes, he stood there counting. Dru took the opportunity to swipe his palms across Bratt's ass. The 80s man jerked up with a small gasp. Dru dug his face on the crook of his boyfriend's warm neck, slowly pulling running his hands up to Balth's chest. 

"You're so warm babe." The blonde one murmured. The husky voice of his lover made Balthazar's spine tingle. He knew Dru was needy for his lanky self. "I love the way you workout and those clothes," His fingers snapped the strap of his lover's outfit. He leaned in until his lips touched Balth's ears whispering, "Those clothes man. Are you trying to seduce me with them?" Dru's dainty hands massaged Balth's chest, he smiled at the sight of his lover being surprised by his little act. "Your so beautiful Balthy. I wanna mark you mine!" His wet tongue was brushed against his boyfriend's neck continuously. 

The 80s man trembled against the sensual actions he began to bit his lower lip, making an effort not to make any noise. For his innocent robotic companion was still jamming to the music while the two made physical contact. "U-Umm, Clive!" His body left his erotic partner's touch. The small robot faced his master. "Yes, sir?" "Clive, find my season 3 VHS inside my closet." He demanded. Clive began to roll away until he heard another command coming ffrom another voice. "No Clive stay here." Said Dru. Complying, the robot stood put. The blonde one walked towards his boyfriend and carried him to the bedroom. 

The 80s man blinked in surprise by this sudden movement. Dru placed Balthazar on the mattress as his hands began undressing his scarf and jacket. "How dare you leave me when I'm kissing you!" He growls as his hand pins his lover. Bratt observes this new version of Dru he's never seen with sparkling eyes. The twin's hands begin to strip Balth's clothing until he was bare in his boxers. "You've been such a bad," Dru slapped one of his boyfriend's thighs. "Boy." He smacked the other. Balthazar jolted with every hit Dru provided. "I'm going to finish marking my treasure." Said he, nibbling on the infamous celebirty's neck. His back slowly began to arch with every harder bite that was placed on his reddened neck. His ear caught Dru slurping as he sucked on the same neck. His hot breathe was pressed against Balthazar's skin. The blonde twin's sneaky hand began pinching the 80s man's flushed nipples.

Bratt couldn't find a spot to relax since everything felt so surreal yet wonderful. His fingers began to tug on Dru's golden hair. They began to kiss sloppy with saliva falling on the crevice of their lips, but Dru brought up the tension my cupping his lover's tented boxers. "Oh." The 80s man gasped between kisses. The twin's hand carressed his erection sensual, adoring the noises his partner made. "Aren't you a needy little fucker? Heh, you're already hard by this little show. Ya need me, huh." Dru glanced down at Balthazar. The 80s man nodded. "Now, now. You know very well nodding won't help you." The tip of his finger touched his anxious boyfriend's round nose. "Beg!" Growled he. Bratt's back arched, feeling the twin's hand around his erection as he wished to cause friction. "Mmm...y-yes! Oh god yes Dru!" The poor man said breathlessly as if he ran a mile.  "Yes what?" Teased the blonde. Balthazar opened his squinted eyes. "F-Fuck me Dru! Goddammit!" 

"That's better." Dru smirked devishly undressing himself bare naked. He grabbed a condom from the inside of the drawer of their night stand. With protection on, his fingers snatched his aching lover's boxers off. The blonde twin licked his lips as he looked at Balthazar's harden cock spring free from the clothing prison. With one hand on his own member and the other underneath his partner's back, Dru positioned himself. Carefully, his length reached the inners of the hot ass which he fancied ever since. In front of him, Balth became a moaning mess with every thrust. His body squirmed with the sensation of his dearest boyfriend's cock burried inside his ass and going out. He battled with the urge of realising his orgasm at an early rate. "F-Feels good?" Grunted the twin whose hair fallen over his eyes. "Very." Balthazar replied. "Good." At that point, Dru's thrust became alarmingly faster and rougher which caused his partner to ooze cum out of his swollen cock. "Already baby?" Balthazar hid his flushed of embarace face underneath his hands. "I know I'm old go laugh." He muttered. Dru took his hands off his beautiful lover's face. "Hey, I'm older than you so why should I laugh? You're such a little cutie and I love you Balthy." The blonde commented, carressing his reddened face. The twin went for a few thrust before he spurted out cum inside the condom. 

The couple were underneath the covers wrapped in each others arms still nude from their intercourse. The 80s man rested his head ontop of Dru's broad chest. Playing around with his chest hair he asked, "What are we going to do with Clive? He's still over there." Dru, who rubbed Bratt's naked back replied. "Don't worry I'll tell him he can roam around freely later. I just wanna go to sleep right now." His head faced his lover. Balthazar smiled. "Look who's the old man now?" He giggled. They exchanged kisses and took a nap~

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