20. If You Wanna Love Me|Drabble

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  Balthazar wasn't always an easy loving man to Dru from the beginning. No, he never had stumbled on confessing his love daily nor having to bother to kiss his boyfriend's lips once a while. However, he had his difficulties around the first time the couple went on their first few dates. Dru knew him from his slick moves but would have never thought he'd be such a nervous wreck when it came to love. Oh, how much did Bratt wish he could just burry his reden face under his pale palms. He lacked of such an emotion, for he was quite blinded from it after those lonely years of his show canceling. Hatered veiled his cold hearted soul, especially for Hollywood. Yet, this was someone, an actual human being he had feelings for, not some show or place. It was the most charming man with flowing blonde hair which he layed his eyes on. The 80s man discovered Dru was opposite from his bald enemy despite them being twins. Balthazar found it appealing how the blonde twin adored anyone as despicable him. Bratt wondered what Dru found so lovable about him, whatever it was he knew it wasn't definitely the way he stuttered. 

Before the actual night was to be settled between those two, Balth practice how he should act and say on a date. He learned it all from a VHS he bought that day. Being out dated, it spoke about its fashion choices as man, of coarse being from the 80s. As well, was it correct to chatter about the latest music (that being Madonna and Michael Jackson). As stubborn as he was, Balthazar took notes and was ready to go out.

The date was out on a high-class french restuarant, where the women showed off their red silky dresses and the men had on their best suit.  Following the code, Dru wore his tuxedo as white as snow with matching dress pants, he styled his glossy hair slick back and smelled like heaven. Meanwhile, Balthazar came in with a saggy jumpsuit in purple glitter. His hair was frizzier than usualy as well. He didn't notice it, but many eyed him in disgust. Dru was kinda embarrassed, however he still complimented his date's outfit. After they ordered their food, the talk began. It was silent until Bratt was daring enough to start.

"Have y-you heard the new Micheal Jackson song?" 

Dru cocked an eyebrow. "Umm...Balthazar, he died already..."

With his eyes widen, bratt began to sweat. "Uh, maybe you are more of a Madonna fan like me, heh." He nervously chuckled. "I don't listen to 80s music so much." Dru said. 

Crap! Bratt knew he was losing his chance on love. He remembered how thr couple had to have similiar likes so a conversation can be made. But Dru didn't seem to enjoy 80s music unlike him. "Heh, umm." He bit his nails averting his eyes. "Well last nights sports was a shocker huh?" Bratt lied, he guessed maybe Dru was into sports. "I don't watch sports either." The 80s man bit his lower lip. He knew Dru would probably dump him after this. He frowned. "I'm into the latest fashion." Confessed the blonde. Bratt found it as an oppurtunity to chatter about fashion even though he lacked knowledge of modern fashion. He just nodded with every statement Dru said.

After eating they lingered on the empty table. Despite the date bring swell, Balthazar felt guilty. He had to come clear. "Dru, I-I'm fake." "What?" 

"I'm a phony Dru, I lied. I don't have a clue about fashion and I'm terrible at dates." He sighed deeply. "I know. I mean, it made sense, at times you spaced out when I was talking." Chuckled he. Dru touched Bratt's shoulder. "But I'm glad you were honest to me Bratt. To be honest, I'm also not good at dates. It may have seemed I looked calm but I was actually screaming inside my head." 

They laughed. "I'm really looking forward our next date Balthazar Bratt. You really fascinate me!" Said Dru.

Bratt smiled. His heart fluttered and he just fell in love even more~

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