11. Hug Me

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    The blonde twin glanced at his reflection from the bathroom mirror. He smiled showing off his whiten teeth he recently brushed. His fingers curled over his comb which blonde strands peaked out. He flicked the light off, he entered the dimmed bedroom as he combed his hair. Dru observed the way his boyfriend slouched, facing his back to him with his head looking down. His sadden body sat at the crook of the bed. The twin swung his brush over his head before he placed it down on the night stand. Dru sat beside Balthazar. He threw a quick glance at his lover then at the floor. The blonde knew what exactly what caused the 80s man woe. 

They were strolling through the crowded streets as there regular afternoon routine. As much as Bratt loathed the outside world where individuals roamed and stealthily criticized one another. Despite Dru's knowledge or reasoning on why his boyfriend would despise outiside, he forced the 80s man to tag along. Doing so, the couple went window shopping from store to store. Balthazar adored the little gasp which Dru created whenever he found something on sale. 

The 80s man began to gain his confidence after seeing how Dru's tenderness with the world is. However, it went back to zero when the two bumped into a stranger. Dru apologized for his clusmsiness as Bratt nodded. The stranger noticed the infamous celebirty's face and was quick on commenting about it. "Aren't you Balthazar Bratt? What a shame your show got into waste. I mean not trying to sound offensive but, when you were a teenager is was pretty awkward and unpleasant. Well have a nice day!" The stranger waved away, leaving Balthazar Bratt having various vexatious memories of his past. He carried a frown since the couple came back home, not speaking a word to his guilty lover. Guilty for never noticing how fragile Bratt's teen life was. 

Dru went to scoop Balth's hand and rested it on his lap. He began to rub his index finger around his lover's gnarled hand. "Balth it's all my fau-" "No it's not." Balthazar snapped in a serious tone. The blonde one blinked in surprise. His eyes stared at that frown he displayed. "Don't blame anything on you Dru. It's not your fault neither is it mine. Just the imbicile who talked about me is the one to blame." Bratt added. He took his hands off the blonde's lap. Dru turned his head to the floor. He searched for a way to make his boyfriend speak to him about his difficulties. "Then explain to me," Dru's head jerked to Balthazar. "Why were you so sad?" 

The room was silent until the 80s faced to his boyfriend with flowing tears. "After they canceled my show, I no longer made a living and was thrown back into the streets." Dru's eyebrows arched, listening to every word. "Sure I had Clive to company me, but he couldn't understand human emotion. So I felt alone and like a monster with the disgusting face I carried as a teen." Balthazar sobbed. "I hate those days, I despise them. That's why I locked myself far away where Hollywood or the world would never see me." Dru dried off the few tears that trickled down his cheek. "H-Hug me Dru." Bratt whispered softly.

The blonde twin wasted no time and complied with his boyfriend's demand. He wrapped his arms around Balthazar's lanky figure. Dru's hands began rubbing the 80s man back. "I understand those days were rough for you, at least you survived it. Even if you still have acne and stuff I'll still love you no matter what. I love you so much Balthy." Dru replied comfronting his sobbing lover. Bratt broke the hug in order to see Dru's face. He smiled. Dru leaned in kissing that gorgeous smile. "Do you feel better?" Asked the blonde one. "Yes blondy, now lets go to sleep before I begin to attack you with kisses!" Balthazar Bratt giggled~

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