2. Karaoke Night

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Between the narrow roads of trash thrown by the side and where elevated brick houses stood was where crooks hung out. Their tough bodies leaned on walls with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths and with the stench of beer, glaring at each that passed by. When the time struck midnight and the sky was dusky, theifs began to overtake the population of the feared neighborhood. The streets was pitch-black except the bented lamppost that illuminated a twitch of light. Despite its ghastly thieves roaming around causing the neighborhood appear to be hazardous, Dru was still up for it. He relished villainous places, it inspired him to create trouble. However, he was a bit fearful so instead of bringing his brother who didn't want to partake anything that could ruin his reputation, Dru brought Balthazar Bratt.

It was a strange thought to bring your enemy from a stranger's perspective, but they were nothing like rivals. For they had constructed a strong connection between themselves. Strong enough to call it "love" to say. However, Gru forbidden this relationship to go any further as he feared Balthazar could manipulate his ignorant twin. Nevertheless, Dru proceeded to hold Bratt in his arms, caress his hand, adore Balth's quirky 80s self, as well as loving him no matter what. The only problem was as long as they hung out secretly without Dru's grumpy twin finding out. He felt like a true villain falling in love with someone he's not allowed to, but that made his rebel side glow more.

Inside one of the dreadful places, the pub, were men with cigarettes who filled majority of the pub in smoke, men flirting with women in corners of the room, and men like Balthazar singing along with the Karaoke machine. His hands wrapped around the microphone for the 3rd time singing to every line the screen displayed. Unlike others who sang blandly, Balthazar added feelings to his song. He hit every note on each 80s music as he didn't even look at the screen for he knew the songs from heart. Instead, he stared at his boyfriend who seemed to admire Bratt's voice. Dru's hands clapped after his 80s boyfriend finished singing "Physical" by Olivia Newton-John. He appeared to be the only one cheering for him since everyone else was tired of seeing the same man singing.

From the mini stage Bratt was on he reached out his hand to his lover. Dru's eyebrow arched in surprise. "Come on let's sing together!" The 80s man declared, moving his wrist. The blonde twin continued sitting his bottom on the chair unsure about his decision. "Balthy, I might ruin your beautiful voice with mine." He whined. Balth stood away from the stage and pulled Dru into the stage with him. The blonde one glanced at the broad audience gazing at the couple. He began to fidget his thumbs in a nervous patern. "Hey," Balthazar lightly bumped Dru's shoulder. The trembling one turned. "Don't be afraid. It's just singing." The 80s man handed the twin a microphone. Dru's sweaty palms grasped the mic. Meanwhile, Bratt picked a perfect song for them to sing. "With me." He added with a wink.

The 80s man took his microphone placing it right below his lips. He swung his body to beat with machine producing the lyrics. "Why do insist on trying to give me away, When they were too good and you wanted to shake them, who came?" Bratt's shoulders bounced to the rhythm. "I was your dirty boy, your good, new secret toy. Show me how they got you joy" He pointed at himself as he swayed his hips. Dru was mesmerized by his lover's movements and felt a smile creeep up. But soon he noticed it was his turn to sing underneath his boyfriend's voice. He bit his lips continuing the rhythm. "W-Who stayed," His voice caused the mic to make a high pitch noise, Dru turned the microphone the other way missing his part completely. Dru's boyfriend glanced at his pouted lips as he sang, "Oh, don't you want some more? Come one, I think they're gone. Our part is coming on," His brown eyes looked his worried blue shimmering eyes. Balth smirked. The blonde twin mirrored his delicate smile singing once more, "You're either with me or doomed."

"Hug me." Bratt began the Chorus. He wrapped one of his lanky arms around his chest with the repetition of his hips swaying.

"Bring it in" Dru sang, opening up his arms playfully.

After 2 minutes of singing, the couple sat down, giving a chance to the ones who wanted to perform. Balthazar had his palm underneath his chin as he admired the view in front of him, Dru. Bratt pointed out how flustered his face was. In response, the twin covered his face denying it. "Is it because of the way I dance?" Asked the 80s man. "N-No!" Dru covered his whole face with his palms. Bratt chuckled at his boyfriend's cuteness. He took his hands, placing them on the table softly. "Don't hide your face blondy, I wanna see you." Their hands folded into one. Bratt leaned in until their noses touched. He moved his head slowly rubbing their noses together. "S-Stop it." Giggled Dru, his shoulders shook.

Balth stared at Dru, still to hold hands. "Are you ready to go home?"asked Bratt. The twin shook his head. "I don't wanna go home and wake up without you." He replied in a soft whisper. His lips pouted in the most nice way which made Balthazar want to kiss them. "You know I can't go home with you, your brother and I hate each other!"

Dru released his hands from his boyfriend. "I don't want you to come home with me silly." His hands slid from Bratt's ear to his warm cheeks and stayed there for a moment. "I wanna go home with you!" The blonde twin grinned.

Bratt's mouth formed an 'o'. "Are you sure?"


The 80s man left his chair and reached his hand out to his boyfriend again. "Well then what are we waiting for?" Dru took his hand. "Let's go home"~

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