23. Page Full of Headcanons

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 Making up the whole big month of October without writing Druthazar, have a page full of headcanons/drabbles!!

-Halloween Headcanons-

° Bratt doesn't quite celebrate it, for, he stopped appearing in public places after Evil Bratt was canceled. Since Halloween consist of one to go outside and begging for candy, teenage Balthazar never had the urge to go out, especially how sensitive he is with his facial looks. Despite him never celebrating, there was a piece of him that wished he could have. But anger replaced desire...

° On the other hand, Dru adored celebrating Halloween. He enjoyed the feeling of savoring candy late at night or stuffing his mouth full of oozing chocolate. He did, however, trick or treated alone. His father was never present for any of the holidays (like always) and Fritz thought Dru would need to become more responsible for himself as he grew older (which Dru didn't mind at all). So, Dru roamed the streets of the mini island asking for candy in his fabulous costume...

° When Druthazar spent their first Halloween together, it was a bit awkward

° Dru had already bought a couples costume (without Bratt knowing), as a surprise. So when Dru revealed the costume to his boyfriend, Bratt felt terrible knowing that he would not be participating Halloween. "Your the jelly to my peanut butter, that's why I bought these! Aren't they cute?" The blonde squealed, revealing them. Balth decided to explain to Dru that he doesn't celebrate Halloween. The blonde one, being a respectful boyfriend he is, understood and respected Bratt's choice. 

° Dru left Bratt for a couple of minutes and came back with a bag full of candy he bought. "We can eat candy together!" Blondie smiled. He sat next to 80s boyfriend. "Don't eat too much that will cause your stomach to hurt, ok babe?" Balthazar stated before eating one. Dru nodded

° The two spent their midnight eating candy together, Bratt being slick enough to steal bits of candy from Dru's mouth with a simple kiss, giggling together like cute boyfriends they are....

-Fall Headcanons-

° Dru joins Lucy when it comes to Fall decorations, its a perfect way of bonding and to blabber about their husband/boyfriend for hours. However, they do tend to go at each other throats, debating what ornament goes best with

°During Fall, Dru (being a white girl he naturally is) always orders Starbucks before running errands

°Bratt will slowly wear sweaters through the month of November, with each sweater being cuter than the last. If he's in the mood, he would also dress Clive!

°Speaking about clothes, Dru loves it when he finds his lover sporting his white comfy scarf. Like he would never forget that moment when he found Bratt modeling the scarf in the mirror with different poses each time

°Despite Halloween already being over, that never stopped the couple to carve for more pumpkins!!

-Thanksgiving Drabble-

°(Teen!AU): As the moon sets to call it a day, the young blonde kid hears an unexpected knock. With his dainty hands wrapped around the handle he opens the door. His lanky friend whom is always in his infamous purple attire appears. "Hey Balthazar." Greets the blonde one. "Is there by any chance any leftovers?" The teen scratched his head as he asked. "Huh?" Dru quite didn't understand the boy's words, yet with a quick remembrance of today's event he was able to recall. "Oh ummm, I didn't really celebrate Thanksgiving this year. But there is plenty of food in the kitchen if you like." Bratt nodded as he entered his friend's mansion. Dru gave Bratt an empty bowl and he watched as the hungry teen picked a variety of foods. The blonde teen chuckled how Balthazar stuffed his mouth with so much food making him look like a chipmunk. Dru couldn't seem to stop glancing at the teen in front of him. He wished Bratt would know how beautiful he is whether his face is covered with acne or not. Natural beauty needs to be more appreciated more than anything. He adored the way the teen in front of him looked, however, he never told it to Bratt, since he thought it was just some stupid crush. Yet, there he was there adoring every moment he had with him.

°(Present) For their first Thanksgiving, they spend it in Gru's house with the family. Being new to the family, Bratt still feels uncomfortable. Yet, knowing how lovable his boyfriend is, Dru makes sure he'll have a good time~

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