19. In Our Hearts|Angst

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   He sat with the same dreary face that may or may not form wrinkles in his youthful skin. His round eyes gnarled from the tears that flowed. He wished no longer to bawl over the man he loved, but the tenderous memories worsen his condition. His untamed blonde locks velied his swollen eyes. He couldn't bare to tidy himself, for he mourned that day. Dru mourned intensely after a week of Balthazar Bratt's death was annouced. He remembered how he worried for his lover since he hasn't came back for 2 days. The twin's legs strolled around the city in search of his missing lover. Dru prayed for his saftey for those nights even called his cell. Dru felt defeatless the next morning only to find out the reporter speaking about Bratt's dead body found. The blonde himself weak and lost for words. He remebered how his deceased lover once spoke about if he had ever died no one would ever seem to care, not even hollywood. But Dru was quick to say that he would care the most, especially being his spouse. 

The blonde swiped through old photos of Bratt on his phone as the tears began to drop for the millionth time. He missed the way his lips curved underneath his mustache or how he dorkingly laughed at the twin's clusminess. He treasured every loving memory in his head and projecting them when he felt alone. 

"Excuse me Dru," The blonde lowered his phone to only spot Clive in front of him. He frowned slightly knowing that the robot was the only thing his lover left behind. "Y-Yes" Dru's voice cracked as he spoke. The innocent robot tilted his head as he began, "Where is my master?" The blonde twin bit his inner cheek. It was like talking to a toddler who lacked the concept of death. The poor man tried to collect appropriate words to explain. "W-Well Clive, the thing is that-" He paused briefly sighing deeply. "Balthazar isn't here." He watched the 80s robot blink, trying to consume on what Dru just told him. "Then where is he?" Asked Clive. Dru sighed. He knew his brother was good with these talks but he was no where to be found at the moment. Therefore, the other half of Gru had to confess it to faultless bot as terrible as it sounded. "Clive, h-he is no-not. Look, Balthazar is de-dead." The simple phrase drove him to shove his palms on his face, burrying his tears. 

Clive was foreigen to human feelings, he never experienced them but he was aware of them. Happiness, sadness, fear, anger, he knew them all thanks to his master. He witnessed these moods better was but awful at responding to them. He rolled himself closer to the man who cried his heart out. "I may not be programed to feel these human emotions, but I do know that my master has not died." Clive watched as the man who Bratt loved dried his tears with his sleeves. He didn't seem like the same joyful man he knew. "How many times do I have to tell you? He's dead. Dead! Ok? He is never coming back, never!" Dru's voice trembled. "But my master told me that when ever he is gone and I am all alone, I know that he will always be in my system. Or how you humans call it, your heart. Will Balthazar always be in your heart?" Dru's lips slowly curved. "Yes." Whsipered he. "Then he is certainly not dead." 

Dru carried the heavy bot and embraced him. "He is in our hearts. I know it"~

Stuck In The 80s|Druthazar OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now