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You slowly walk to the vacant lot next to the one you loved. Through the quiet streets and to the park, past the icy cold fountain and the jungle-gym. You wished you came to the drive-in with Pony and Johnny that night, fought those Socs off, even though they didn't care about you. You were middle-class, it didn't matter. But you had to be sick, in the middle of Summer. It only made you feel guilt, you could have saved Johnny from the collapsing roof. You shook the thought away, no need to think about that. It was a cloudless and cold night, you were breathing out steam and your nose was red and cold. Full the moon was and it glistened as you looked up to it, the light lead your path to the vacant lot.

"What do you want to be when you're older, y/n?"
"Well, I know I could aim higher, but I'd love to be a teacher. I love kids. What about you Ponyboy?" He laughed as the question was thrown back to him, as though he hadn't expected it. He looked out to the grass and trees ahead and smiled a little,
"I want to be a doctor, heal John- people. People like Johnny, and I won't let them die. O-or I'd be an author, write about everything. I'm sure people would find it interesting right? Both the jobs would make a nice living." and he closed his mouth. You stopped him your tracks and you got hold of his shoulders, you starred seriously into his gentle eyes.
"Ponyboy Michael, with all the talent you have; I mean, you're amazingly smart, you're so creative and you can become friends with anybody. Well, maybe not the Socs, but that's their loss Pony. With all the skill you have, with the right heart, you can become anything you wish! You should know that Pony, I know you can do it. Look at me, I ain't smart! I couldn't pass a test on my own if I tried! Without you, I'd be flunking for sure man. You help me and I could never repay you for the results you help me get to." This was true; you were moved up a grade just like Ponyboy, only turning fourteen on your first year in high school. But when your parents thought you could be smart enough, your grades started going downhill due to the unexpected level you struggled to meet. And when Johnny and Dal died, you had no energy left in you to really focus on school. Pony helped you so much.
"I love you y/n, you're the best friend I've ever had. Wouldn't know what I, I'd do without you." And he said it, but he didn't mean it in the way you wanted it to. You're always gonna remain friends, just fall out of love. And yet you looked at his calm face and thought it were to be impossible, there was no stopping of the feeling you felt for him. You knew he would never feel the same though, only friends.

You arrived at the vacant lot, seeing a pile of soot, litter here and there and the old car seat. Pony didn't want to make a fire, you both had warm clothing on and were happy with the moon for lighting.
You knelt down to the car seat and laid back, Ponyboy then did the same. This time, he was touching you, squishing you even with the closeness. Your face was flustered in the dark, you pushed your head to your body just in case he saw your bright red face. A million things were racing through your mind with Pony's blazing body beside you. Your face calmed, and you slowly lay on his shoulder. The both of you were looking up to the stars in awe.
In other worlds, I know life can be better for the Greasers. For Ponyboy, for the gang. Somewhere, just somewhere, there is good in the world. There is love that is shared with everybody. No hate, oh please no hate. Somewhere, somewhere in the stars.
You broke out into poem, deep in wonder and awe for the mystical magical night;
"Glowing stars and the moon so white,
Make all your worries feel so light.
It may be dark in the night,
But the natural stars make it feel so bright.
Night has a lesson to teach,
To forget worries and of happiness reach."
"Y/n, you say you're not smart and you memorise poems!" You lifted your head up to turn to him and your body soon followed.
"Just because I learnt a poem? You ain't a woofin' Ponyboy Michael." And you turned back around, onto his shoulder.

You sat quietly, for ages. It felt like hours, yet you weren't sure because you didn't know the time. You looked at the constellations of the stars and pointed them out to Pony, the smile he flashed you made you want to kiss him repetitively. His lips you knew were soft and gentle, a plush pink tone that needed to be pushed against with your own lips. The urge was so strong, looking into his eyes that shone. But only shone they did when he was with you. He was your starlight, your guide through life. After minutes of silence, you had began to close your eyes from tiredness, he pushed up. You got up and faced him on the seat as he sat up straight and you to your side. He breathed a little heavier and he opened his mouth, only to let out his soft voice which made bells ring inside of you.
"I love you, y/n." And mistakenly, you thought it was something different. You decided to ignore it, he'd never be in love with me.
"Aww Pony love you to." He fidgeted and looked down.
"Y-y/n, I'm not trying to say I love you..." He paused for a moment,
"I'm trying to say I..." and he sighed.
"I'm in love with you." Your heart went from a snails pace to galloping fast within a second, your face burned and you saw the flash of his eyes. They were sweet and worried for you, urgent to know your response.
"Ponyboy, I've been in love with you for God knows how long." You whispered back. The moment was coming, he looked into your eyes, asking for permission to kiss you. Your heart was pounding out of your chest as your face got closer to his. He swiftly puts his hand on your cheek and kisses you. And finally; it had felt as though, all through this time that you were under water. Screaming a deaf mans scream, it went unheard to the world. You were under, sinking, and he pulled you up. Up to his lips, where the shore lays so safely. His lips were tender and soft, they locked with yours perfectly. You put your arms around his neck, not letting go of his lips. Your eyes were closed, focusing on the amazing feeling. It was all over and you pulled away, you hugged him and buried your head into his chest.
"I promise our friendship will never be misplaced, y/n, I want to be with you." You glazed at him and gave him a lingering peck, you pulled away and gently nodded.
"We should go home, Ponyboy."

AHHHHH I LOVED WRITING THIS SO MUCH! Hehehehe I can imagine it so well! Bidding wellness for youuuu.

-Lily 🌅🌅

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