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It was the night Ponyboy disappeared and you awoke, a small chill was present as your covers were completely off your body. You were still in your damp bathers and thin clothes. You looked to your small analogue alarm clock, rocking back and forth and ringing loud, the time of 3am just visible from in between the shadows of the shutters. Beside the alarm clock, a small note; half ripped from a notepad, with recognisable neat writing. Cursive, large, in joins, it was Ponyboy's. You blindly reach for the lamps switch, to pick up and read the note beside you:
Outside is where the breath.
Where we are sitting in society.
But outside is beautiful,
At night that sure is.
Night to day,
Silver and gold.
Meet me outside;
I love you.
You scratched your head in utter concern and you were confused. Silver and gold? You got out of bed and started walking down the hallway, into the kitchen. You turned the lights on quietly, your small yellow dining table was instantly lit with the rest of your small kitchen. You slowly got yourself a glass of water to wake up a little bit more, to think, to find Ponyboy. Another note, a different colour:
Waiting for you on the porch.
Your eyes widened, putting down the half empty glass of water and walking quickly out to the hallway. You swiftly opened the front door to see him, Ponyboy, sitting at your steps of your porch. He turned around to you and smiled.
"Why did you wake me up at 3 in the morning?" You questioned, sitting beside him and steeling his warmth.
"I wanted you to look at the stars with me, can we walk to the park? Please?" You nodded, a warm wind blowing through the street. You put your hand into his and pressed up against him, he was in a thin sweater which seemed pretty warm. He sighed loudly while you crossed the empty road to the park. Turning to him, you asked,
"What's on that lovely mind of yours Ponyboy?" and you quickly head-butted his shoulder. You knew he was hiding something, you didn't know what and you needed to find out quick smart.
"In honesty? Hank Williams." He grinned goofily, but not to your face, to the warm and dry grass. You giggled and walked to the nearest tree to lie down. But before you went to sit down, Pony put his arms around you and pulled you in close. His breath on your face, foreheads touching in dead silence. You put your arms around his waist and started dancing.

Dancing in the warm rustle of the leaves, bodies so close. It was a feeling you knew you had never felt before, something that made you want to stay in his arms. Your heart ached for him, yet you were with him. He was yours. You felt like those arms were never going to be around you again, and the thought of it hurt. You whisper looking down,
"I'm feeling something uncertain." putting your head onto his chest whilst moving your body accordingly.
"W-What are you feeling?"
"True love," you sighed, "why is it hurting my heart?" your eyes started to water. He held you tighter.
"Y/n, I'm never going to leave you." He started sulking, tears slowly falling onto your forehead. You put your head into his neck, pecking it gently.
"Y/n, let me kiss you." His face was tear stricken and his eyes were glossy, you put your lips to his and put all your love into the kiss. Wincing at the pain in your chest, your body felt connected to Ponyboy's like magnet. A strong one, hard to push apart. You grabbed hold of his head, cupping his face, making sure your lips won't part. But they did, you laid down and dug your head into his chest.
"I'll never forget that kiss, this night. You." Ponyboy half whispered, you pushed up to your elbows and looked down to him.
"Ponyboy Michael.." He smiled at the name, Ponyboy Michael. He loved it when you called him that. "You're not going to forget me, ever. I'm not ever to let that happen."
He smiled, "Oh boy, oh boy. I hope not, for it would be the end of the world." and snickered. "Y/n,"
"If I get lost, you'll come find me right?"
"No matter what, I'll always come find you. I love you, Ponyboy Michael Curtis." You kissed his lips, savouring the feel in your mind. The night was getting lighter, dawn was due in an hour. And we didn't even look at the stars.
"I really oughta go home before Sodapop catches me, I can't see you today. I have to do my Summer homework, I promise it will be the only day away from you." He started walking towards his house, it was only a couple blocks away. But you had to do a pretty far trek home to get back to your joint.
"Okay, are sure you don't want me to help you though Pone?" you asked.
"Sure enough, I'll miss you y/n." You laughed, how absurd it had seemed when he said it. Your bodies disconnected, the feel of the kiss still in your mind. You rushed back home, swaying to the way you and Ponyboy were.

Lying in bed, the kiss tattooed into your brain. The night, the sneak out. The words that were said. If he looses himself, he's going to find him again. Find him right next to me. Ponyboy was gone by the early morn.

HAHAHAHAHAA THIS HURTS IN TRUE HONESTY. What do you guys think? I tried to write exactly what I imagined, assisted by some Billie Eilish and some other lovely songs that got me in the mood :) I'm having a bit of writers block because i have been writing way more than reading to collect ideas and inspiration but yeah i'm cool. Thanks guys for reading, 600 reads what the heck I'm happy!!

- Lily 🌅🌅

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