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"Ready to tell the gang, y/n?" Ponyboy was holding your hand as you stood in front of the Curtis's door, this was it; no one ever knew that you were in love with Ponyboy, and now you were telling 4 of the most important boys in your life that you were together. You nod slowly, and turn the door handle without a sweat of nervousness and walk through to the living room. Three of the four boys, slouching around watching Mickey. Ponyboy looked down at your hand that was entangled with his, his foot tapped against the floor a couple times to grab everyone's attention. They turned over to see our hands wrapped, Two-Bit snickered but to all it was nothing new, they'd seen the two of you hold hands a million times.
"What y'all up to, kids." Steve asked and gosh, it sure did sound like he cared(not). Ponyboy lifted his hand up, dragging yours with it, and he shook it in importance.
"We have something to tell you! Or," he stopped for a second, "show you. We'll show you." and assured himself for a couple seconds as he waited for a response.
"What have you got to show us Ponyboy?" Two-Bit inquired. Ponyboy turned to you, his eyes intimate and excited yet nervous. Quickly, he pressed his lips to yours, your eyes widen in shock then close. After a couple seconds, the tender kiss ended, and the only faces that were shown were smiles. Steve hauled up in applause;
"PONYBOY IS A MAN! WOOOOO!" He pumped his fist in the air and shook Pony's hand, pulling him in and patting him on the back. When he let go, he looked at you and just smiled like a proud father. "Y/n, don't let this boy hurt you okay?" You nodded and gave him a tight embrace. When he sat down, Two-Bit and Soda didn't seem surprised. They had grins on their faces that only showed affection and happiness.
"We've known since the first day you two met, sure we were young ourselves. But 'member Sodapop? I totally called it from the moment I saw them together. You guys better stay together right? I'm proud of you two." Two-Bit pointed a finger in seriousness, but we all ended up giggling. You could never take a man like Two-Bit seriously.
"Good job little brother, I hope he treats you like a darn princess, y/n." You and Ponyboy smiled at each other, telling the gang was no sweat. They gave 100% support in your choice they hope it will stick almost as much as you do; you wanna be with Ponyboy forever. What will I tell my parents, I must get home! Thought shook into you and you grabbed Pony's arm,
"Ponyboy I need to get home and tell Mum and Dad. You don't have to come." Maybe Mum and Dad will have thought that I have spent too much time with him.
"It would be impolite of me to let you tell your parents without me, I ought to come. Plus, I can protect you till you're outta this neighbourhood." He looked down happily, facing your parents wasn't something to be afraid of. They loved Ponyboy like their own son and, besides, maybe they called the love too..

Silence filled the air as you walked the couple miles walk back home, the air was quiet and the sun was almost ready to set. Ponyboy sighed and looked at you merrily,
"I love you so much, y/n. Don't you forget it."
"Ponyboy, I'm so excited to tell Mum and Dad and everyone about us." You say back with the biggest grin possible. You were so close to your cozy home and weren't fussing, you wondered if Ponyboy was though; "Ponyboy they'll approve, I know they will. Are you scared?"
"Ah, well a little. My hopes are up, for you." He wrapped his arm around you and squeezed you in between his body and his muscles and you felt safe. Safer than before, than ever before. This boy could and would protect you from everything, you knew you tried to do the same too. You planted a kiss on his soft cheek and kept walking as you hit your block.

"I love Ponyboy, we're together now." You told your Mum as you sat next to Pony, drinking a tall glass of filtered water. Your Dad was away and your mother agreed to tell him when he first got home. She was elated, she felt really proud. She hugged Ponyboy, just like you thought. The smile on Pony's face was one that would take war to get off.
"Mum, is it alright if we go outside for a second?"
"Yes honey."
You walked out the door and onto your doorsteps, Ponyboy sat with his hands under his chin.
"I'm gonna go home now, y/n. I'm so happy I could run a lap of the world and still be happy! When will I see you again?"
You punched his arm and smiled back,
"I'll call you, and I'm happier than I could ever be." you bursted. "I'll plan out some things we can do for the Summer time."
"Oh," he put his hand on your shoulder, looking deep into your eyes with that loyal spark.
"you can trust me to come up with some things." He stood up to go say goodbye to your Mum, you got up and followed. After the goodbye, he hugged you. Giving you a tender kiss and walking away.

You went to sleep like a baby that night, slept deeply.

Heh guys probs a shit chapter its 12:45am and I'm hyperactive and I needed to get this stage over and done with. I just thought of the next chapter's idea (inspired by WIllowtree9 ttthhhaaaannnkkkks xo) and I reckon it should be better lol. Im on my mac and not my ipad and I write better on my ipad for some reason, well, that's what i think. Ily guyz who read but not Nalufangurl she's a bum even tho she helped prompting me to make this lol I feel criticized by you Mia... Anyway thaaaanks.

-Lily 🌅🌅

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