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You woke up late, filling the early hours of the morning you snuck out with Ponyboy. The uneasy feeling stained your mind, set in a throbbing headache. You hobble out of bed to get some aspirin and a gulp of water, your mother left a note on the kitchen table that read:
Call me when you wake up.
Love Mum x
Oh no. I'm so busted! You thought as you turn to the phone and dial her office number, curling the chord nervously.
"Hey Mum, you wanted me to c-call?"
"Yes! I found weird note in the letterbox and I put it in your room, I thought I'd be from Ponyboy." You sighed in relief, a mass weight coming off your shoulders.
"Oh, alright then. Thanks, I'll see you when you get home. Love you."
"Love you too hun."
You hung the phone back on the wall, turning back to your room. On your bedside table leave a small note that was like the one you saw last night, you knew it was from Pony. You picked it up and read it with an unsteady hand:
Y/n, you know how you said you'd find me if ever I got lost? I'm lost. I've been lost for days, thinking about Johnny and Dally... It has been a year since their deaths now. I'm running to find myself, I know I won't be able to though. So if you dare to find me, look to the western sky. I don't know how long I'll be gone for, I don't know how long it will be until I can acknowledge their deaths. I regret every second of leaving you, for I'm not doing homework and I don't know how long it will take to find this note. I need you to find me, to help me. Please.


Hot tears were blurring your vision, dropping onto the small note. Why would he do this to me? I could have helped him. Why didn't I pick up the signs? You flipped and grabbed your backpack, shoving clothes and money in it. You then ran down to the kitchen and retrieved water and food. Finally, you took your small notebook and a pen. To write letters to send if you were gone too long. Your Mum was gonna be worried alright.
Mum, Ponyboy's lost. Mentally, physically. I have some ideas as to where he might be, but I ain't all sure 'bout it. I took my savings, I'll call you whenever I can find a phone. I will be safe.

Love y/n, sorry.
You grab the note and rush out the door, to the Curtis house. Confident that somebody would be home, you started jogging in adrenaline. Maybe there will be more notes. Maybe I need to think about the past to know his location. Reaching his block, you sprint to his front gates only to meet Soda just parking out the front. He was worried. You face full of despair as you pleadingly ask.
"Sodapop, Sodapop please! Where's Ponyboy? Tell me where he is!" Tears fall down your face as you fell into his strong and welcoming arms. He shushed you and pulled back to face you,
"Darry called me, there's a note in our house too. You'll be okay, y/n. You'll find him, promise me you'll find him." he looked deeply into your eyes. You ran towards the house to find the other note, finding it on Pony's bedside table:
Sodapop, Darry, you might have thought that I have moved on from the incident last year. But I'm in time of reflection. I'm lost, y/n will find me. She knows where I am and will be. I don't know how long it will take, I'll walk 'till my feet won't let me. I'm sorry.

You were the only one who could find Ponyboy, you knew where he was? You rethought everything. He couldn't stand being at Windrixville in that church again, he'd go mad. How far could he be? First kiss? The waterfall? The park? Cherry's? For all you knew he could've been on the way to Oklahoma city by then, and you worried at the thought. Expressionless, you walk past Sodapop without a word. Home, you stayed silent all night. You couldn't find him, it was hopeless case. Dinner was silent, you weren't hungry. You were blind, blinded by your tears that constantly fell without sound. You only felt blank; a glass half empty. Where is he?

That night, you had a dream; a dream about Ponyboy. He was walking, pondering through a forrest that grew tall above his head. Under his breath, he was repeating your name to the ground. His hands gripping onto his backpack, dirty and dry. Suddenly, he was talking, talking to you.
"Oh y/n, I'm so sorry I left you. What am I doing here!" He screamed, tears merging from his greenish eyes. "Are you looking for me? Gosh I hope so. And Sodapop and Darry, tell em' I'm real sorry, I know only you understand this. I'm walking a branch and bush filled track, past the 3:15 destination. I love you."
You woke up, staggered and confused. You weren't all sure of what had happened, or if it was real. The last words stained in your mind, so you wrote them down:
I'm walking a branch and bush filled track, past the 3:15 destination. I love you.
You set out for Ponyboy that day, catching the afternoon train to Windrixville. Those final words from Ponyboy that seemed so real to you, like a vision. I will find you Ponyboy, just like I promised.

IM SO SORRY THAT I HAVENT BEEN ACTIVE! What has it been? Six weeks? I am so sorry I've been so swept around and this chapter has been re-written a load of times. And 1k readers?! THANK YOU SO MUUUUUCH!!! This is such a great achievement to me and I'm so happy :) I promise to be more active, promise. I love my readers so much, thanks so much for a thousand 💙💙💙
-Lily 🌅🌅

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