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Yours eyes open, mind awake, yet your body was paralysed. A body standing at your leg, black figure blankly staring down at you. "Ponyboy?"
You blinked for a second and he was gone, but the ability to move was back. You sat up, dazed of what just happened. Your spirits were high today, you didn't know why. Your food was little now, lasting another day or two. Music was going through your head, ears ringing while you were poking at the coals from the previous night's fire. Your clothes were dirty and your hair knitted all through. Your lighter to start fires was almost out of juice and you had no idea how to start one without it. But all these problems were nothing to you, blowing on a dandelion in the mid morning. You decided to stay in the place you were today, explore around but keep camp. A crazy part of your brain was telling you that Ponyboy's voice was real, he was talking to you. You believed it alright. And you were thinking of a gobsmacking and crazy idea.
Your heart was aching for him every second you were away from him and you simply couldn't take it anymore. Your mind was so set on him that you were purging, pacing, repeating his name over and over in desperation. His voice never left your mind, echoing louder and louder as you felt that you were walking closer toward him. From the moment you met him you knew it would be like this, something so close, so dependable. Now you knew he was lost, beaten by nature, sad, unable to let go of his past. He left you when he needed you, out of his unconscious actions you knew he couldn't help. He was going to die without you, it was your-and only yours-job to find him. You were each other's first priorities in life, the pieces of each other.
"I'm coming, coming to find you Ponyboy. I'm walking nowhere today, I know your voice is real. Tell me where you are when you hear this, I'm finding you. I love you Ponyboy, shoot I miss you. So damn much."

There for that day, you were talking to yourself as though you were multiple people. Singing like a mad woman, examining every tree or plant or animal around you. Picking insects off plants, smelling flowers. The sun was hot and the woods were dry and hilly. You ate little of what you had leftover; softening apples and bananas, avoided musli bars, fewer and fewer chocolate bars and packets of lollies with half a loaf of bread. It was hard to eat less of the amount you usually would. Your energy was down and you were slowly thinning up, but you didn't care. You didn't go out into the middle of the bush, risking loss of direction or death of yourself or the one you love for any reason. It was your choice, you could've called a search party, but it would never be enough. All matters were in your hands and you chose to keep them.
You found a small valley with fresh water a couple miles from where you had your fire around noon. You created a small path, pushing down all the bushes and plants so you'd know your way back to your belongings. Fresh, icy water ran down stream, it loudly trickled and ran deep. You washed your face, ringing your hands around your cheeks to wash off all the oil and dirt.
You ached for a shower since you'd been gone, you felt the dirt on every part of your body. It was drying your skin up and making you feel pretty natural. You let the water run down your neck and into your shirt, you screamed a loud KOOOOWWEEEE. This was as close to nature as you were going to get when it comes to living. You were over the environment, you wanted a home to go to, not a patch of grass.
And there in your mind, a noice, an echo, a kowee coming back at you.
"PONYBOY?!" Silence for a few seconds before he replied.
"Y/N!" He sounded like he was coming from a northeast direction. You ran across the valley and up the hill that laid across. Dodging the trees and rocks below, you ran and ran in a careless manner.
"WHERE ARE YOU?!" You stopped, panting with your heart pounding and your legs tingly. There was no response. Looking up around you, for smoke, for any signs of different life. A crunch in the crusty dead leaves behind made you stand still, unsure of what was there.
"Right behind you." he whispered. A hand wrapped around your waist, your eyes closed in happiness. You found him, you found Ponyboy. Just like you promised yourself and him you would. You reached down to grab his hand and sighed hazily.

Just finished this on the plane back home and I'm fairly happy with it. This chapter was pretty short but it kinda has a part 2 to it. I'm finishing this book on my mac so the spaces of course will be larger and it will be outcast compared to the rest of the book. I'm going to work non-stop coz I legit have nothing else to do :P I thought I published this also and got back on today and realised I hadn't lol. Anyways I hope you like this ❤️

-Lily 🌅🌅

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