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"Ponyboy Michael! What in the world are you doing to me?!"
It was a warm Summers day, the wind was gentle and the sky was electric blue and cloudless. Not that you could see it anymore. Ponyboy wrapped a rag around your eyes, tying the back up extra tight, making you wheeze.
"Come on Pony, I ain't got all week!" You heard Two-Bit yell from your left. You were slowly lead by large, gentle hands holding your shoulders firmly, into Two-Bits hot and stuffy car. The leather was sticky, and you kept your legs up to avoid them from getting glued to the seats. The loud and tough engine started up and the feeling of movement rushed through your body. The drive was long and boring since you couldn't see a thing.
Two-Bit(you knew) turned the radio right up and was drunkenly singing along to what ever was on. Nothing came out of Ponyboy though.
Suddenly, the radio was turned off, and the car slowed to a screeching stop. "Here you go Ponyboy, now pay up." Ponyboy made a quiet moan but you interrupted before you could hear him move.
"Can I please take this blindfold off?! The suspense is simply killing me!"
"NO! No, not yet love." He staggered around the car and you heard the ching and the clank of coins being given to Two-Bit. "And here's for you, Two-Butt. Tip included."
"Hey, you watch your mouth kid or you won't get a ride home." You could hear the impatience in Two-Bit's voice, he sounded like he needed to be somewhere and he needed to be somewhere fast.
"Where you off to Two-Bit?"
"That shouldn't bother you, sweets. Just finding a party, messin' around."
"Oh well, you have a good time." You tell him warmly, Ponyboy had opened your door and he had your hand to assist you out of the car. You grabbed his gentle palm firmly and stood up on soft, damp ground. The roar of Two-Bit's car got more quiet as he drove away, back home.
"A five minute walk in blindness and I promise it will be worth it, y/n."
You simply nodded, you had no assurance of what your feet were doing or where they were going. It felt you you were trying to run through a rough terrain, a thick forrest, through the middle of the night. Your legs didn't want to walk with full confidence, always stepping on a sharp rock or feeling a large, outgrown tree root below.
The noise around was peaceful, nature. Away from the city, the crowds, the crazy and judgmental society. You could hear leaves rattling and rustling quietly around you. A warm breeze was surrounding you, cooling you delicately from the rays of the sun. You could feel the direct heat hit your unprotected skin, in this case though, you were in shorts and a shirt. Sunscreen wasn't mentioned.
The ground below turned mushy and soft, Pony told you to take off your worn out trainers. A sand-like substance slipped in between your toes, it was cool and felt good and relaxing. Ponyboy took you by your two shoulders and placed you in a direct and specific spot. Gently, he let go, "You can take the blindfold off now, y/n."

Your eyes were opened to the most beautiful sight: a crashing, thin waterfall in the distance. The spring water trickling down a tall, coarse, damp wall that algae and moss were creeping around on. The water from above fell into a round water hole that was surrounded by round rocks that were metres off the waters surface. Green shrubs and ferns surrounded you at every angle. Towering trees hung over the sight, the shadows of the leaves rattling around on your face. It was the perfect time of day, the sun was shining directly into the water hole and nowhere else; creating glistening water that shone around the whole forrest.
Your eyes widened and you put your hands to your mouth, it was astonishing.
"Ponyboy!" You screamed in dismay and disbelief, "How did you find this place?!" and turned around to see Ponyboy next a picnic basket. You could have melted right on the spot. Pony put a hand on the back of his neck and rubbed, his face looking down; he was flustered with a bright crimson. How did I find such a boy like this one?
"Well, I just asked a couple people around. A guy I run with camps here every year in the Summer. I figured to ask him to plan something in advance for this Summer." He finished off warmly. You ran to him and smiled your biggest smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing your lips into his. With all your astonishment and appreciation, you pushed all your gratefulness through to your lips and into your kiss. Electric waves rushed through you; you had kissed this boy tens of times, but it still felt new and different every time you did.
"I love you." You whisper in Ponyboy's ear, just loud enough for him to hear. You let go and he set out a picnic with sandwiches and fruit. You sat happily, dangling your legs and wiggling your toes. Eating silently with a irreplaceable smile on your face.
"I love you too." Ponyboy said as he finished his sandwich. He quickly put your leftovers and the rubbish in the basket. He crept up on you and put his body on top of yours, leaning on his knees and his elbows. He looked deep into your eyes, deeper than you had ever known to be deep. He had looked happier than you had ever seen him. Even happier than he was with Johnny. His special glisten, it was extra bright. It was eye to eye, smile to smile, body to body, heart to heart. You laughed and he pushed some weight on you as he kissed you deeply, it was a kiss neither of you wanted to let go of. Deep, passionate, full of true love that was never to fade. You closed your eyes and put your arms around him, strengthening the bond of the kiss. It went on, merrily, until he slowly let go, following with sticky and dense pecks. "Wanna swim or what?" You gave him another peck and got up. You felt electric as you took off your shirt and shorts, he had seen you in your underwear a thousand times.
Shocked through with love and energy, you ran into the waterhole and dived right in. Followed by Ponyboy, running in after you. You swam some distance to the waterfall, stopping right infront of it, looking up and seeing how high the wall really was. Ponyboy was under, and he grabbed your ankles, making you struggle but laugh uncontrollably. He came up and looked into you with elated green eyes. Treading water gracefully in the sunlight, Ponyboy planted yet another kiss on your lips. When parted, all that was left to do was splash around and swim. The sun began to cast a shadow and the wall created shade for you and Ponyboy. He wrestled you, kissed you below the surface, held you tight against his body. Refusing to let you go, no matter what, like he promised.
You got out as the cooling heat was drying you as you laid on the picnic blanket, drying your underwear so you could go home dry and warm. You laid, talking about the universe in strange ways, looking at life in a different perspective. The perspective you saw it when you were beside Ponyboy. You turned to him,
"What if this never happened?" asking softly and curiously.
"I'd would have gone bonkers. I'd be somewhere in Mexico, trying to run from the fuzz for some jazzed up murder I would have gotten myself into like a maniac. Not using my head like usual."
"I feel like I'd be living a normal life, but I never wanted that. Normal isn't right to me, never has been. I'd be running to everybody, trying to find someone like you. The last piece to the puzzle." Saying your thoughts aloud felt so good, it was complimenting. It felt good to simply say things that get trapped in your mind. You were halfway back from the path back to the car park, and a loud honk was easily heard. You started running.
"How was it?" Two-Bit cheerily asked while speeding out of the car park of the waterfall.  You laid in the back seat, taking in the rushing movement of the trees outside.
"Amazing, absolutely amazing...." Ponyboy's voice faded away as your eyes closed and you fell into a drowsy, happy sleep for the trip home.

Soz this got rushed at the end oh my gosh, but this has legit taken me 2 weeks to complete coz i would write something that was only a dead end and it took a little bit to fix it up. Thanks @WIllowtree9 for requesting and I hope this was a little what you imagined ;) requests still open even though i have a fair idea what's gonna happen next but hey maybe your ideas will be better! Signing off coz it's 1am and i'm smashed with tiredness. Love my readers xxxxx

-Lily 🌅🌅

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