Letters In The Sand - Chapter 1

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Chapter One * Eden

Colours washed past my face but the dream was long gone replaced with the blur of colours from outside the window I shook my head trying to shake the sleep off.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" James asked, his fingers were now stroking my face they were warm and left my skin tingling.

"No, I'm fine" I took his fingers in my hand and kissed them one by one before kissing him on the lips, I put my head in his hands. He lifted my chin to kiss me, I lent in and met him half way, his lips were soft and warm, and he smelt gorgeous. He pulled away first smiling.

"Were almost home" he whispered. I smiled and looked out the window but of course the train was going too fast for me to recognize anything outside.

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked, it didn't seem that long ago I was waiting for the train in waterloo station.

"Two hours" James said smiling. His green eyes, were so much nicer than my muddy brown ones, they were the colour of emeralds and they shined like emeralds too. We sat in silence for another twenty minutes are hands intertwined like lace, finally the train started to slow. James pulled me up, just as the woman announced it was our stop next, never letting go of my hand James pulled me off the train. The night was cold and black and I was glad of James's arm protectively holding me around my waist, we stumbled towards his car, it was easy to spot the old mini, which James loved, in the car park. The car journey back was unusually quiet we were both too tired to put the music on, James was driving but he still held my hand. His hands were warm as always a contrast to my normally freezing hands. I must of fallen back to sleep because when I woke we were pulling into my drive, James cut the engine he turned to face me. "So, did you have a good day after all" He asked with a mocking grin. I blushed remembering what a fuss I had made in the morning when he woke me and told me to get dressed because he was taking me out. "It was the best" I said grinning from ear to ear now. He laughed, we had spent the day in London doing, what felt like, everything there was to do and James had paid for it all including the lunch at the five star hotel. "I'm glad you liked it" he bent down to kiss me. I pulled away holding his face.

"But why did you do it?" I asked I had been think just that all day

"Do what?" he asked smiling his green eyes were shining.

"Everything, today"

"Why, am I not allowed to take you out for the day?"

"Yes, but your not allowed to pay for it all" I said reaching for my purse. He grabbed my hand and held it in his.

"Yes I am, don't be stupid"

"But..." he pressed his lips to mine before I could carry on. I felt dizzy when he finally pulled away from me I looked into his eyes they were the most beautiful things I had ever seen, I swear I'll never get used to how gorgeous they are. I turned to face the house, all the lights were off, and I started to yawn.

"Come on lets get you to bed" James laughed as he got out the car. The summer air way heavy and warm the slight breeze blew in my face it was a perfect night. James was by my side now; he took my hand as we walked into the house. I got the keys out of my pocket and struggled to put them in the lock the tiredness was getting heaver now James put his hand over my hand and the key and turned it the door swung open. I stumbled in looking for the light switch. James found it before me he switched it on lighting up the hall. I yawned again I was battling against sleep now.

"Come here" James said and he lifted me into his strong arms. He carried me into my room and set me on the bed. I was being pulled under by the tiredness now James tugged at my jumper pulling it off I laid down and let the sleep pull me under I felt James kiss my forehead before he got up and walk to the door he paused.

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