Letters In The Sand - Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen * Eden

Molly arrived, fifteen minutes after Luke went up stairs, she was wearing an old pair of jeans and an old t-shirt with her hair in a scruffy pony-tail. She had a whole load of DVDs with her all the usual 'chick flick's' that Lisa like to watch. We had all sat down on the sofa, Lisa and Molly where watching the film but I just could not concentrated on the soppy love story that was playing in front of me. I was too busy wandering how mine had gone so wrong in such a short amount of time.


"We're going to live with my aunt in Scotland Eden." Was all he said "But you can't" I pleaded

"I'm sorry" James said he sighed "There was something else I wanted to say" he said. Looking out to the crashing waves below us I followed his gaze. The sea was fuming, that was the best way to describe it, the waves collided with the rocks making a sound that sounded like an angry whisperer.

"What?" I asked not taking my eyes off the churning waves below. James pulled away from me.

"Eden, I need to start anew" He told me in a mater of fact way.

"I don't understand" I was baffled.

"Like a clean piece of paper. A piece of paper with no smudges on it, with no creases or rip's in it." He pulled away from me even more. We were now sitting on opposite ends of the bench. Was that all I was to him a smudge on his piece of paper; I shook my head in disbelief.

"Are you saying you're leaving the country and me?" I asked

"Yes" Was all he said.


Lisa and molly had gone to sleep and I felt it safe to let the tears take control. To let them roll freely down my face, for my body to shake and for my cries to escape from my mouth. I felt it safe to brake down.

But I was wasn't crying because I felt as if my heart had been ripped from my chest I was crying 'cause I felt the opposite. I felt as if my heart had returned. I felt like me again. And I wasn't used to it at all.

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