Letters In The Sand - Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty-Eight * Eden

I hated James. I was furious. A delayed reaction Molly said. I just couldn't believe how infuriating he was how did I ever think I loved him? Lisa told me that she had always hated him and always knew he was no good, Molly told me to move on and just to forget about him. Luke was the only one who would listen and give no comment after every little thing I said. I spent a lot of time with Luke after the call, I really liked him, and sometimes I thought I liked him a bit too much. Me, Lisa and Luke were sitting by Lisa's pool sunbathing for the party, Lisa and I were both in our brand new summer bikinis.

"God it's hot" Lisa moaned

"Shut up Lisa" Luke said through gritted teeth, Lisa had been moaning for the past hour about it being too hot.

"Lisa why don't we go swimming" I asked standing up and pulling my hair out of face.

"No" Lisa moaned

"Fine but don't complain about being hot again" I said walking over to the pool

"Hey wait for me" Luke said getting up. I stopped and looked at him, he was stunning, his bare chest was smooth and brown, his legs and arms were strong and his hair shimmered in the sun. My heart skipped a beat that wasn't meant to happen. I looked away my face blushing

"are you ok?" Luke asked he reached out and touching my arm lightly, when he touched my skin my heart skipped a beat again, was something wrong with it.

"I'm fine, just a little hot"

"Well you need to cool down then" he said grabbing my hand and jumping in the pool pulling me with him. The water was cool and felt good on my boiling skin, just as soon as I was submerged in the water I was shooting up again. I was still holding onto Luke's hand when I broke through the surface of the water, the sun hit my face, I loved that feeling there was no better sensation. I looked around searching for Luke where was he I spun around in the water. He was suddenly in front of me looking at me with at look of wonder in his eyes. I splashed him, he didn't move just continued to stare at my face I looked back at him. What was he doing? He smiled at me, he had a lovely smile, I couldn't help but smile back then he grabbed my hand and pulled me under the water. I looked at him from under the water, wonder what he was doing, he reached out and touched my face, my heart skipped another beat, he looked at me with big beautiful eyes, I felt a sense of longing in his look, I felt a longing to. I had to go back up to the surface I had run out of air how long had we spent just gazing at each other under the water. I got out the pool and walked back to Lisa in a daze

"What happened there?" Lisa asked

"Luke pushed me in" I replied laying down on the loungers, Lisa laughed

"Oh well you wanted to have a swim anyway"

"Ha ha you're hilarious Lisa"

"It's good to have the old Eden back"

"What do you mean?" I asked I sat up and looked at her she was laying down with her eyes closed and smile on her face

"You're like what you were like before James came, you know I never did like him"

"I know you've said before, but how did I change?"

"Well you just floated through everything not noticing anyone but him. It was like he hypnotized you, you just drifted never noticing what a prick he really was. You never notice how he used to get angry all the time how; he could cut through you with his scary green eyes. How he used to ask you where you were all the time and when you would be back. You never went out, you didn't do anything unless it was with him" She opened he eyes and saw me staring at her

"Sorry" She said

"You should have told me"

"I did you were to busy with him"

"Oh Lisa I'm so sorry"

"It's ok your back now you been back ever since he left" I felt really bad was I really so blinded by my 'love' for James. I owed Lisa big time.

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