Letters In The Sand - Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-three * Eden

Luke and me sat down on the sand are arms touching, we both looked down at the beach, it looked amazing lit up, the lights sending shadows all over the sand and the cliff, the bonfire sent flames flickering into the sky like exotic dancers casting wonderful shadows on the sand.

"It's beautiful" I said

"It is" Luke replied. I looked up at him, he wasn't looking at the beach he was looking at me really looking at me, it felt like he was looking into my soul and his eyes looked like they liked what they saw. God my thoughts were cheesy. I blushed and looked down at the sand running my fingers through it, I remembered when I was a kid me and Dom used to come down to the beach and write our name is the sand and watch as the sea washed them away.

"What are you thinking?" Luke asked

"I was thinking about when you were a kid and you used to write things in the sand and watch as the sea washed them away" I explained I stood up pulling Luke with me "come on lets be kids again" I bent down and started to write my name in the sand Luke did the same next to me we stood back and watched as the sea washed are names away as if they were never there. I laughed and looked up at Luke he was laughing to he bent down and started to write some thing in the sand when he finished he stood up and looked at me.

"Take a look" he said pointing to what he had written I looked and right there in the sand he had wrote

I really like you Eden

I looked up at him

"I like you to Luke" He laughed and took a step towards me taking my hands in his finger were cold, but the touch warmed them.

"No I really like you Eden" He looked at me with big blue eyes "Actually I think I'm starting to love you Eden" He said looking at me suddenly my heart took control of my body I stepped closer to him looking into his eyes

"I think I'm starting to love you to" was all I had a chance to say before my lips were on his, until my arms were around his neck. His lips were soft and gentle on mine but I felt a sense of passion in every touch. He pulled away holding my face in his strong hands.

"Really?" Luke asked looking down at me his eyes full of happiness "you really love me"

"Yes I think I do" I said more to myself then to him. Now I knew why my heart kept skipping every time he looked at me or touched me it was because I loved him I always have and I always will.

"What do you think the others will say" Luke asked I kissed him on the cheek and whispered in his ear

"I don't care" I looked up at Luke's puzzled face

"Why not?" he asked stroking my cheek

"Because I love you" I told him reaching up on my toes to kiss him he put his arm around my waist and pulled me up towards him.

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