Letters In The Sand - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four * Luke

So Eden did have a boyfriend then not that I cared. Did I? James was tall nearly as tall as me and I'm the tallest person I know. He had messy brown hair and scary green eyes. I first saw him thought the window he looked fierce, stabbing at his phone with and agitated look on his face, his eyes were sharp as if they could cut me open with one glance. But when he saw Eden his eyes melted like warm butter, they looked at her like she was the most amazing, wonderful and beautiful thing in the world, I looked away his eyes were making me feel self-conscious. As I walked out the kitchen and I bumped into Eden, James never took his eyes off her face, thought I can understand why she was so shockingly beautiful; he only glanced at me with his green eyes when Eden introduced us. I walked downstairs, Lisa was sitting at the breakfast bar picking at a bowl of cereal. "Where's Eden?" I asked looking around

"Her and James went for a walk an hour ago, god knows what there doing" She cringed at a thought in her mind.

"So how long they been together for then?" I asked trying to make it sound like a casual question

"Ages, they got together when you left for university last year" She said "There crazy 'bout each other never spend a day apart them two drives me mad where ever she is he is" She sighed and tipped her cereal down the sink. So there was no chance I would get to see her on her own then, the thought surprised me but then it made me miserable.

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