Meeting Deku

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Bakugou Katsuki was acting strange.

There were no loud explosions, no yelling, and no cursing in 1-A. It was beautiful silence.

Everyone in 1-A noticed this silence and were confused by it.

Bakugou was silently listening to music at his desk and scrolling through his phone.

Everyone shrugged and continued on their day in the blissful silence.

Yuuei Academy is a private school for only the best. Only a certain amount of studies get in by the exams and the other half has special connections to get in. You're almost guaranteed to get a good job or go to a good college after graduating. Everyone is very lively in this private school and are certainly interesting.

During lunch, Kirishima Eijiro and Kaminari Denki questioned him on his sudden change of mood but he just shouted, "FUCK OFF!" as he usually would.

After school Uraraka Ochako and Tenya Iida were walking towards the gates to go home when they saw a girl frantically looking around outside the gates.

No one without a Yuuei ID can enter the school. The security gates would immediately lock you outside.

She seemed very nervous. She fidgeted around and held a picnic basket. She wore a uniform from a different school. Yuuei's uniform was a white dress shirt with a red tie, grey jacket, and black pants or skirt. She wore a black jacket with a white dress shirt and red bow to match her plaid skirt, black knee high socks, and brown shoes. She had curly green hair that was put into a ponytail with her yellow, bunny hair ties. She had bright green eyes and a cute, baby face that had freckles on them.

Ochako went up to her and patted her shoulder. She immediately jumped and turned to her with wide eyes.

"Hey! You're not from this school, are you?" Ochako asked, very curious of who this girl was and why she was here. Iida stood next to her, curious as well of who this mysterious girl was.

"N-no! I-I come a different school n-near here. My b-boyfriend studies here and I'm surprising him with a p-picnic I made." She shuttered out with a blush that made her look more adorable. She glanced down at her picnic basket before looking back at Ochako.

"Eh?! That's so romantic!" Ochako squealed.

"That is very kind of you, miss! I am sure your boyfriend will appreciate your efforts!" Iida complimented in his interesting way. The girl's blush turned scarlet at this.

"Y-you think? I really hope he likes it! He usually cooks for me, so I would like to do something different for a change." She shyly responded with a fidget and twisting a lock of hair.

"What's your name?" Ochako asked.

The girl's eyes widened before answering, "O-Oh! I'm-"

"DEKU! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE?!" Bakugou yelled, still a few feet away from the gate with Kaminari and Kirishima with him.

Deku yelped and dropped her basket as she whipped her head towards Bakugou.

"K-Kacchan!" She shuttered with a look of surprise on her face while Ochako's and Iida's jaws dropped.

Ochako shakily asked, "Y-your boyfriend is B-Bakugou?"

Deku turned to her and nodded with a blush on her face. Ochako and Iida had a look of fear on their faces. This girl was probably being tortured by Bakugou or probably was his slave. They saw Bakugou stomp towards them and face Deku with a harsh glare.

"I THOUGHT YOU HAD A MEETING TODAY?!" He yelled at her face as she flinched.

She started blushing after he said that and looked down at her shoes while twiddling her thumbs.

"I-I lied. I wanted to surprise you today and we didn't get to see each other all last week and then-" She started shaking and tearing up.

"I-I'm sorry I lied. I didn't mean to deceive you. I just wanted-" He cut her off with a hug.

"It's okay. I'm fucking happy you came today. Don't be such a crybaby." He assured her as he tightened his embrace and hid his red face in her hair. She also blushed but returned his hug. She then gave him a chaste kiss on Bakugou's cheek before burying herself into his chest.

Ochako turned to Iida and said, "I never knew Bakugou could be like this. It's odd not seeing him angry or yelling."

Iida wordlessly nodded as he continued to stare at the odd couple hugging.

Kaminari and Kirishima got over the initial shock, but now had smirks on their faces.

"You never told us you had a girlfriend!" Kaminari teased.

Bakugou broke the hug and gave Kaminari a glare.

With a scowl on his face, he growled, "Let's get the fuck out of here, Deku." As he picked up the dropped basket and pulled her towards the direction of the park.


Kaminari laughed as he said, "Bakugou is so going to kill you tomorrow."

Kirishima shrugged as he and Kaminari walked towards their houses.

As that happened, Bakugou kept pulling at Deku's hand with an angry blush on his face.

"K-Kacchan, you're hurting me." Deku whimpered out.

He stopped walking and quickly released her sore hand.

Deku looked down at her feet and said, "I'm sorry for embarrassing you in front of your friends."

His eyes softened at her apology and immediately tried to comfort her with a kiss on her forehead.

"Don't fucking worry about it, Izuku. You just wanted to fucking surprise me and I screwed it up." He somewhat apologized as he looked away from her.

She smiled back at him. She's happy he apologized, even though it wasn't entirely his fault. She leaned towards him and hesitantly kissed him. She used his shoulder to balance herself as she stood on her toes. He was stunned for a few moments before encircling her waist while still holding the basket and kissing back a bit more firmly then her. They could have continued this but Izuku had other plans.

She broke off the kiss and said, "Let's go eat, Katsuki!"

She beamed at him. He responded by intertwining their hands and leading them to the park.

 [ EDIT : if you want to personally chat with me , please do so on my profile / conversations / announcements area as the notif on this story is so horrible , - ]

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